Source code for astrophot

import sys
import argparse
import requests
import torch
from .parse_config import galfit_config, basic_config
from . import models, image, plots, utils, fit, param, AP_config

    from ._version import version as VERSION  # noqa
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    VERSION = "0.0.0"
        "WARNING: AstroPhot version number not found. This is likely because you are running AstroPhot from a source directory."

# meta data
__version__ = VERSION
__author__ = "Connor Stone"
__email__ = ""

[docs] def run_from_terminal() -> None: """ Execute AstroPhot from the command line with various options. This function uses the `argparse` module to parse command line arguments and execute the appropriate functionality. It accepts the following arguments: - `filename`: the path to the configuration file. Or just 'tutorial' to download tutorials. - `--config`: the type of configuration file being provided. One of: astrophot, galfit. - `-v`, `--version`: print the current AstroPhot version to screen. - `--log`: set the log file name for AstroPhot. Use 'none' to suppress the log file. - `-q`: quiet flag to stop command line output, only print to log file. - `--dtype`: set the float point precision. Must be one of: float64, float32. - `--device`: set the device for AstroPhot to use for computations. Must be one of: cpu, gpu. If the `filename` argument is not provided, it raises a `RuntimeError`. If the `filename` argument is `tutorial` or `tutorials`, it downloads tutorials from various URLs and saves them locally. This function logs messages using the `AP_config` module, which sets the logging output based on the `--log` and `-q` arguments. The `dtype` and `device` of AstroPhot can also be set using the `--dtype` and `--device` arguments, respectively. Returns: None """ AP_config.ap_logger.debug("running from the terminal, not sure if it will catch me.") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="astrophot", description="Fast and flexible astronomical image photometry package. For the documentation go to:", epilog="Please see the documentation or contact connor stone ( for further assistance.", ) parser.add_argument( "filename", nargs="?", metavar="configfile", help="the path to the configuration file. Or just 'tutorial' to download tutorials.", ) parser.add_argument( "--config", type=str, default="astrophot", choices=["astrophot", "galfit"], metavar="format", help="The type of configuration file being being provided. One of: astrophot, galfit.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {__version__}", help="print the current AstroPhot version to screen", ) parser.add_argument( "--log", type=str, metavar="logfile.log", help="set the log file name for AstroPhot. use 'none' to suppress the log file.", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", action="store_true", help="quiet flag to stop command line output, only print to log file", ) parser.add_argument( "--dtype", type=str, choices=["float64", "float32"], metavar="datatype", help="set the float point precision. Must be one of: float64, float32", ) parser.add_argument( "--device", type=str, choices=["cpu", "gpu"], metavar="device", help="set the device for AstroPhot to use for computations. Must be one of: cpu, gpu", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.log is not None: AP_config.set_logging_output( stdout=not args.q, filename=None if args.log == "none" else args.log ) elif args.q: AP_config.set_logging_output(stdout=not args.q, filename="AstroPhot.log") if args.dtype is not None: AP_config.dtype = torch.float64 if args.dtype == "float64" else torch.float32 if args.device is not None: AP_config.device = "cpu" if args.device == "cpu" else "cuda:0" if args.filename is None: raise RuntimeError( "Please pass a config file to astrophot. See 'astrophot --help' for more information, or go to" ) if args.filename in ["tutorial", "tutorials"]: tutorials = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] for url in tutorials: try: R = requests.get(url) with open(url[url.rfind("/") + 1 :], "w") as f: f.write(R.text) except: print( f"WARNING: couldn't find tutorial: {url[url.rfind('/')+1:]} check internet conection" )"collected the tutorials") elif args.config == "astrophot": basic_config(args.filename) elif args.config == "galfit": galfit_config(args.filename) else: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized configuration file format {args.config}. Should be one of: astrophot, galfit" )