Source code for

# Traditional gradient descent with Adam
from time import time
from typing import Sequence
import torch
import numpy as np

from .base import BaseOptimizer
from .. import AP_config

__all__ = ["Grad"]

[docs] class Grad(BaseOptimizer): """A gradient descent optimization wrapper for AstroPhot_Model objects. The default method is "NAdam", a variant of the Adam optimization algorithm. This optimizer uses a combination of gradient descent and Nesterov momentum for faster convergence. The optimizer is instantiated with a set of initial parameters and optimization options provided by the user. The `fit` method performs the optimization, taking a series of gradient steps until a stopping criteria is met. Parameters: model (AstroPhot_Model): an AstroPhot_Model object with which to perform optimization. initial_state (torch.Tensor, optional): an optional initial state for optimization. method (str, optional): the optimization method to use for the update step. Defaults to "NAdam". patience (int or None, optional): the number of iterations without improvement before the optimizer will exit early. Defaults to None. optim_kwargs (dict, optional): a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the pytorch optimizer. Attributes: model (AstroPhot_Model): the AstroPhot_Model object to optimize. current_state (torch.Tensor): the current state of the parameters being optimized. iteration (int): the number of iterations performed during the optimization. loss_history (list): the history of loss values at each iteration of the optimization. lambda_history (list): the history of parameter values at each iteration of the optimization. optimizer (torch.optimizer): the PyTorch optimizer object being used. patience (int or None): the number of iterations without improvement before the optimizer will exit early. method (str): the optimization method being used. optim_kwargs (dict): the dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the PyTorch optimizer. """ def __init__( self, model: "AstroPhot_Model", initial_state: Sequence = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Initialize the gradient descent optimizer. Args: - model: instance of the model to be optimized. - initial_state: Initial state of the model. - patience: (optional) If a positive integer, then stop the optimization if there has been no improvement in the loss for this number of iterations. - method: (optional) The name of the optimization method to use. Default is NAdam. - optim_kwargs: (optional) Keyword arguments to be passed to the optimizer. """ super().__init__(model, initial_state, **kwargs) # set parameters from the user self.patience = kwargs.get("patience", None) self.method = kwargs.get("method", "NAdam").strip() self.optim_kwargs = kwargs.get("optim_kwargs", {}) self.report_freq = kwargs.get("report_freq", 10) # Default learning rate if none given. Equalt to 1 / sqrt(parames) if not "lr" in self.optim_kwargs: self.optim_kwargs["lr"] = 0.1 / (len(self.current_state) ** (0.5)) # Instantiates the appropriate pytorch optimizer with the initial state and user provided kwargs self.current_state.requires_grad = True self.optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, self.method)( (self.current_state,), **self.optim_kwargs )
[docs] def compute_loss(self) -> torch.Tensor: Ym = self.model(parameters=self.current_state, as_representation=True).flatten( "data" ) Yt =[self.model.window].flatten("data") W = ([self.model.window].flatten("variance") if else 1.0 ) ndf = len(Yt) - len(self.current_state) if mask =[self.model.window].flatten("mask") ndf -= torch.sum(mask) mask = torch.logical_not(mask) loss = torch.sum((Ym[mask] - Yt[mask]) ** 2 / W[mask]) / ndf else: loss = torch.sum((Ym - Yt) ** 2 / W) / ndf return loss
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """Take a single gradient step. Take a single gradient step. Computes the loss function of the model, computes the gradient of the parameters using automatic differentiation, and takes a step with the PyTorch optimizer. """ self.iteration += 1 self.optimizer.zero_grad() self.model.parameters.flat_detach() loss = self.compute_loss() loss.backward() self.loss_history.append(loss.detach().cpu().item()) self.lambda_history.append(np.copy(self.current_state.detach().cpu().numpy())) if ( self.iteration % int(self.max_iter / self.report_freq) == 0 ) or self.iteration == self.max_iter: if self.verbose > 0:"iter: {self.iteration}, loss: {loss.item()}") if self.verbose > 1:"gradient: {self.current_state.grad}") self.optimizer.step()
[docs] def fit(self) -> "BaseOptimizer": """ Perform an iterative fit of the model parameters using the specified optimizer. The fit procedure continues until a stopping criteria is met, such as the maximum number of iterations being reached, or no improvement being made after a specified number of iterations. """ start_fit = time() try: while True: self.step() if self.iteration >= self.max_iter: self.message = self.message + " fail max iteration reached" break if ( self.patience is not None and (len(self.loss_history) - np.argmin(self.loss_history)) > self.patience ): self.message = self.message + " fail no improvement" break L = np.sort(self.loss_history) if len(L) >= 3 and 0 < L[1] - L[0] < 1e-6 and 0 < L[2] - L[1] < 1e-6: self.message = self.message + " success" break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.message = self.message + " fail interrupted" # Set the model parameters to the best values from the fit and clear any previous model sampling self.model.parameters.vector_set_representation(self.res()) if self.verbose > 1: f"Grad Fitting complete in {time() - start_fit} sec with message: {self.message}" ) return self