Source code for

# Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
import os
from time import time
from typing import List, Callable, Optional, Union, Sequence, Any
from functools import partial

import torch
from torch.autograd.functional import jacobian
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .base import BaseOptimizer
from .. import AP_config
from ..errors import OptimizeStop

__all__ = ("LM",)

[docs] class LM(BaseOptimizer): """The LM class is an implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm. This method is used to solve non-linear least squares problems and is known for its robustness and efficiency. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm is an iterative method used for solving non-linear least squares problems. It can be seen as a combination of the Gauss-Newton method and the gradient descent method: it works like the Gauss-Newton method when the parameters are approximately near a minimum, and like the gradient descent method when the parameters are far from their optimal values. The cost function that the LM algorithm tries to minimize is of the form: .. math:: f(\\boldsymbol{\\beta}) = \\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{i=1}^{N} r_i(\\boldsymbol{\\beta})^2 where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\beta}` is the vector of parameters, :math:`r_i` are the residuals, and :math:`N` is the number of observations. The LM algorithm iteratively performs the following update to the parameters: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\beta}_{n+1} = \\boldsymbol{\\beta}_{n} - (J^T J + \\lambda diag(J^T J))^{-1} J^T \\boldsymbol{r} where: - :math:`J` is the Jacobian matrix whose elements are :math:`J_{ij} = \\frac{\\partial r_i}{\\partial \\beta_j}`, - :math:`\\boldsymbol{r}` is the vector of residuals :math:`r_i(\\boldsymbol{\\beta})`, - :math:`\\lambda` is a damping factor which is adjusted at each iteration. When :math:`\\lambda = 0` this can be seen as the Gauss-Newton method. In the limit that :math:`\\lambda` is large, the :math:`J^T J` matrix (an approximation of the Hessian) becomes subdominant and the update essentially points along :math:`J^T \\boldsymbol{r}` which is the gradient. In this scenario the gradient descent direction is also modified by the :math:`\\lambda diag(J^T J)` scaling which in some sense makes each gradient unitless and further improves the step. Note as well that as :math:`\\lambda` gets larger the step taken will be smaller, which helps to ensure convergence when the initial guess of the parameters are far from the optimal solution. Note that the residuals :math:`r_i` are typically also scaled by the variance of the pixels, but this does not change the equations above. For a detailed explanation of the LM method see the article by Henri Gavin on which much of the AstroPhot LM implementation is based:: @article{Gavin2019, title={The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for nonlinear least squares curve-fitting problems}, author={Gavin, Henri P}, journal={Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University}, volume={19}, year={2019} } as well as the paper on LM geodesic acceleration by Mark Transtrum:: @article{Tanstrum2012, author = {{Transtrum}, Mark K. and {Sethna}, James P.}, title = "{Improvements to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for nonlinear least-squares minimization}", year = 2012, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1201.5885}, adsurl = {}, } The damping factor :math:`\\lambda` is adjusted at each iteration: it is effectively increased when we are far from the solution, and decreased when we are close to it. In practice, the algorithm attempts to pick the smallest :math:`\\lambda` that is can while making sure that the :math:`\\chi^2` decreases at each step. The main advantage of the LM algorithm is its adaptability. When the current estimate is far from the optimum, the algorithm behaves like a gradient descent to ensure global convergence. However, when it is close to the optimum, it behaves like Gauss-Newton, which provides fast local convergence. In practice, the algorithm is typically implemented with various enhancements to improve its performance. For example, the Jacobian may be approximated with finite differences, geodesic acceleration can be used to speed up convergence, and more sophisticated strategies can be used to adjust the damping factor :math:`\\lambda`. The exact performance of the LM algorithm will depend on the nature of the problem, including the complexity of the function f(x), the quality of the initial estimate x0, and the distribution of the data. The LM class implemented for AstroPhot takes a model, initial state, and various other optional parameters as inputs and seeks to find the parameters that minimize the cost function. Args: model: The model to be optimized. initial_state (Sequence): Initial values for the parameters to be optimized. max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations for the algorithm. relative_tolerance (float): Tolerance level for relative change in cost function value to trigger termination of the algorithm. fit_parameters_identity: Used to select a subset of parameters. This is mostly used internally. verbose: Controls the verbosity of the output during optimization. A higher value results in more detailed output. If not provided, defaults to 0 (no output). max_step_iter (optional): The maximum number of steps while searching for chi^2 improvement on a single Jacobian evaluation. Default is 10. curvature_limit (optional): Controls how cautious the optimizer is for changing curvature. It should be a number greater than 0, where smaller is more cautious. Default is 1. Lup and Ldn (optional): These adjust the step sizes for the damping parameter. Default is 5 and 3 respectively. L0 (optional): This is the starting damping parameter. For easy problems with good initialization, this can be set lower. Default is 1. acceleration (optional): Controls the use of geodesic acceleration, which can be helpful in some scenarios. Set 1 for full acceleration, 0 for no acceleration. Default is 0. Here is some basic usage of the LM optimizer: .. code-block:: python import astrophot as ap # build model # ... # Initialize model parameters model.initialize() # Fit the parameters result =, verbose = 1) # Check that a minimum was found print(result.message) # See the minimum chi^2 value print(f"min chi2: {result.res_loss()}") # Update parameter uncertainties result.update_uncertainty() # Extract multivariate Gaussian of uncertainties mu = result.res() cov = result.covariance_matrix """ def __init__( self, model, initial_state: Sequence = None, max_iter: int = 100, relative_tolerance: float = 1e-5, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( model, initial_state, max_iter=max_iter, relative_tolerance = relative_tolerance, **kwargs, ) # The forward model which computes the output image given input parameters self.forward = partial(model, as_representation=True) # Compute the jacobian in representation units (defined for -inf, inf) self.jacobian = partial(model.jacobian, as_representation=True) self.jacobian_natural = partial(model.jacobian, as_representation=False) # Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm self.max_iter = max_iter # Maximum number of steps while searching for chi^2 improvement on a single jacobian evaluation self.max_step_iter = kwargs.get("max_step_iter", 10) # sets how cautious the optimizer is for changing curvature, should be number greater than 0, where smaller is more cautious self.curvature_limit = kwargs.get("curvature_limit", 1.) # These are the adjustment step sized for the damping parameter self._Lup = kwargs.get("Lup", 5.) self._Ldn = kwargs.get("Ldn", 3.) # This is the starting damping parameter, for easy problems with good initialization, this can be set lower self.L = kwargs.get("L0", 1.) # Geodesic acceleration is helpful in some scenarios. By default it is turned off. Set 1 for full acceleration, 0 for no acceleration. self.acceleration = kwargs.get("acceleration", 0.) # Initialize optimizer atributes self.Y =[self.fit_window].flatten("data") # Degrees of freedom self.ndf = max(1., len(self.Y) - len(self.current_state)) # 1 / (2 * sigma^2) if self.W =[self.fit_window].flatten("weight") else: self.W = torch.ones_like(self.Y) # mask if mask =[self.fit_window].flatten("mask") self.mask = torch.logical_not(mask) self.ndf = max(1., self.ndf - torch.sum(mask).item()) else: self.mask = None # variable to store covariance matrix if it is ever computed self._covariance_matrix = None
[docs] def Lup(self): """ Increases the damping parameter for more gradient-like steps. Used internally. """ self.L = min(1e9, self.L * self._Lup)
[docs] def Ldn(self): """ Decreases the damping parameter for more Gauss-Newton like steps. Used internally. """ self.L = max(1e-9, self.L / self._Ldn)
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def step(self, chi2) -> torch.Tensor: """Performs one step of the LM algorithm. Computes Jacobian, infers hessian and gradient, solves for step vector and iterates on damping parameter magnitude until a step with some improvement in chi2 is found. Used internally. """ Y0 = self.forward(parameters = self.current_state).flatten("data") J = self.jacobian(parameters = self.current_state).flatten("data") r = -self.W * (self.Y - Y0) self.hess = J.T @ (self.W.view(len(self.W), -1) * J) self.grad = J.T @ (self.W * (self.Y - Y0)) init_chi2 = chi2 nostep = True best = (torch.zeros_like(self.current_state), init_chi2, self.L) scarry_best = (None, init_chi2, self.L) direction = "none" iteration = 0 d = 0.1 for iteration in range(self.max_step_iter): # In a scenario where LM is having a hard time proposing a good step, but the damping is really low, just jump up to normal damping levels if iteration > self.max_step_iter/2 and self.L < 1e-3: self.L = 1. # compute LM update step h = self._h(self.L, self.grad, self.hess) # Compute goedesic acceleration Y1 = self.forward(parameters = self.current_state + d*h).flatten("data") rh = -self.W * (self.Y - Y1) rpp = (2 / d) * ((rh - r) / d - self.W*(J @ h)) if self.L > 1e-4: a = -self._h(self.L, J.T @ rpp, self.hess) / 2 else: a = torch.zeros_like(h) # Evaluate new step ha = h + a*self.acceleration Y1 = self.forward(parameters = self.current_state + ha).flatten("data") # Compute and report chi^2 chi2 = self._chi2(Y1.detach()).item() if self.verbose > 1:"sub step L: {self.L}, Chi^2/DoF: {chi2}") # Skip if chi^2 is nan if not np.isfinite(chi2): if self.verbose > 1:"Skip due to non-finite values") self.Lup() if direction == "better": break direction = "worse" continue # Keep track of chi^2 improvement even if it fails curvature test if chi2 <= scarry_best[1]: scarry_best = (ha, chi2, self.L) nostep = False # Check for high curvature, in which case linear approximation is not valid. avoid this step rho = torch.linalg.norm(a) / torch.linalg.norm(h) if rho > self.curvature_limit: if self.verbose > 1:"Skip due to large curvature") self.Lup() if direction == "better": break direction = "worse" continue # Check for Chi^2 improvement if chi2 <= best[1]: if self.verbose > 1:"new best chi^2") best = (ha, chi2, self.L) nostep = False self.Ldn() if self.L <= 1e-8 or direction == "worse": break direction = "better" elif chi2 > best[1] and direction in ["none", "worse"]: if self.verbose > 1:"chi^2 is worse") self.Lup() if self.L == 1e9: break direction = "worse" else: break # If a step substantially improves the chi^2, stop searching for better step, simply exit the loop and accept the good step if (best[1] - init_chi2) / init_chi2 < -0.1: if self.verbose > 1:"Large step taken, ending search for good step") break if nostep: if scarry_best[0] is not None: if self.verbose > 1: AP_config.ap_logger.warn("no low curvature step found, taking high curvature step") return scarry_best raise OptimizeStop("Could not find step to improve chi^2") return best
@staticmethod @torch.no_grad() def _h(L, grad, hess) -> torch.Tensor: I = torch.eye(len(grad), dtype=grad.dtype, device=grad.device) h = torch.linalg.solve( (hess + 1e-2 * L**2 * I) * (1 + L**2 * I) ** 2 / (1 + L**2), grad, ) return h @torch.no_grad() def _chi2(self, Ypred) -> torch.Tensor: if self.mask is None: return torch.sum(self.W * (self.Y - Ypred)**2) / self.ndf else: return torch.sum((self.W * (self.Y - Ypred)**2)[self.mask]) / self.ndf
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_hess_grad(self, natural = False) -> None: """Updates the stored hessian matrix and gradient vector. This can be used to compute the quantities in thier natural parameter represntation. During normal optimization the hessian and gradient are computed in a re-mapped parameter space where parameters are defined form -inf to inf. """ if natural: J = self.jacobian_natural(parameters = self.model.parameters.vector_transform_rep_to_val(self.current_state)).flatten("data") else: J = self.jacobian(parameters = self.current_state).flatten("data") Ypred = self.forward(parameters = self.current_state).flatten("data") self.hess = torch.matmul(J.T, (self.W.view(len(self.W), -1) * J)) self.grad = torch.matmul(J.T, self.W * (self.Y - Ypred))
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def fit(self) -> BaseOptimizer: """This performs the fitting operation. It iterates the LM step function until convergence is reached. Includes a message after fitting to indicate how the fitting exited. Typically if the message returns a "success" then the algorithm found a minimum. This may be the desired solution, or a pathological local minimum, this often depends on the initial conditions. """ if len(self.current_state) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: AP_config.ap_logger.warning(f"No parameters to optimize. Exiting fit") return self self._covariance_matrix = None self.loss_history = [self._chi2(self.forward(parameters = self.current_state).flatten("data")).item()] self.L_history = [self.L] self.lambda_history = [self.current_state.detach().clone().cpu().numpy()] for iteration in range(self.max_iter): if self.verbose > 0:"Chi^2/DoF: {self.loss_history[-1]}, L: {self.L}") try: res = self.step(chi2 = self.loss_history[-1]) except OptimizeStop: if self.verbose > 0: AP_config.ap_logger.warning("Could not find step to improve Chi^2, stopping") self.message = self.message + "fail. Could not find step to improve Chi^2" break self.L = res[2] self.current_state = (self.current_state + res[0]).detach() self.L_history.append(self.L) self.loss_history.append(res[1]) self.lambda_history.append(self.current_state.detach().clone().cpu().numpy()) self.Ldn() if len(self.loss_history) >= 3: if (self.loss_history[-3] - self.loss_history[-1]) / self.loss_history[-1] < self.relative_tolerance and self.L < 0.1: self.message = self.message + "success" break if len(self.loss_history) > 10: if (self.loss_history[-10] - self.loss_history[-1]) / self.loss_history[-1] < self.relative_tolerance: self.message = self.message + "success by immobility. Convergence not guaranteed" break else: self.message = self.message + "fail. Maximum iterations" if self.verbose > 0:"Final Chi^2/DoF: {self.loss_history[-1]}, L: {self.L_history[-1]}. Converged: {self.message}") self.model.parameters.vector_set_representation(self.res()) return self
@property @torch.no_grad() def covariance_matrix(self) -> torch.Tensor: """The covariance matrix for the model at the current parameters. This can be used to construct a full Gaussian PDF for the parameters using: :math:`\\mathcal{N}(\\mu,\\Sigma)` where :math:`\\mu` is the optimized parameters and :math:`\\Sigma` is the covariance matrix. """ if self._covariance_matrix is not None: return self._covariance_matrix self.update_hess_grad(natural = True) try: self._covariance_matrix = torch.linalg.inv(self.hess) except: AP_config.ap_logger.warning( "WARNING: Hessian is singular, likely at least one model is non-physical. Will massage Hessian to continue but results should be inspected." ) self.hess += torch.eye( len(self.grad), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) * (torch.diag(self.hess) == 0) self._covariance_matrix = torch.linalg.inv(self.hess) return self._covariance_matrix
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_uncertainty(self) -> None: """Call this function after optimization to set the uncertainties for the parameters. This will use the diagonal of the covariance matrix to update the uncertainties. See the covariance_matrix function for the full representation of the uncertainties. """ # set the uncertainty for each parameter cov = self.covariance_matrix if torch.all(torch.isfinite(cov)): try: self.model.parameters.vector_set_uncertainty( torch.sqrt( torch.abs(torch.diag(cov)) ) ) except RuntimeError as e: AP_config.ap_logger.warning(f"Unable to update uncertainty due to: {e}") else: AP_config.ap_logger.warning(f"Unable to update uncertainty due to non finite covariance matrix")