Source code for

# Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
import os
from time import time
from typing import List, Callable, Optional, Union, Sequence, Any

import torch
from torch.autograd.functional import jacobian
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .base import BaseOptimizer
from .. import AP_config

__all__ = ["oldLM", "LM_Constraint"]

def Broyden_step(J, h, Yp, Yph):
    delta = torch.matmul(J, h)
    # avoid constructing a second giant jacobian matrix, instead go one row at a time
    for j in range(J.shape[1]):
        J[:, j] += (Yph - Yp - delta) * h[j] / torch.linalg.norm(h)
    return J

[docs] class oldLM(BaseOptimizer): """based heavily on: @article{gavin2019levenberg, title={The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for nonlinear least squares curve-fitting problems}, author={Gavin, Henri P}, journal={Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University}, volume={19}, year={2019} } The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm bridges the gap between a gradient descent optimizer and a Newton's Method optimizer. The Hessian for the Newton's Method update is too complex to evaluate with automatic differentiation (memory scales roughly as parameters^2 * pixels^2) and so an approximation is made using the Jacobian of the image pixels wrt to the parameters of the model. Automatic differentiation provides an exact Jacobian as opposed to a finite differences approximation. Once a Hessian H and gradient G have been determined, the update step is defined as h which is the solution to the linear equation: (H + L*I)h = G where L is the Levenberg-Marquardt damping parameter and I is the identity matrix. For small L this is just the Newton's method, for large L this is just a small gradient descent step (approximately h = grad/L). The method implimented is modified from Gavin 2019. Args: model (AstroPhot_Model): object with which to perform optimization initial_state (Optional[Sequence]): an initial state for optimization epsilon4 (Optional[float]): approximation accuracy requirement, for any rho < epsilon4 the step will be rejected. Default 0.1 epsilon5 (Optional[float]): numerical stability factor, added to the diagonal of the Hessian. Default 1e-8 constraints (Optional[Union[LM_Constraint,tuple[LM_Constraint]]]): Constraint objects which control the fitting process. L0 (Optional[float]): initial value for L factor in (H +L*I)h = G. Default 1. Lup (Optional[float]): amount to increase L when rejecting an update step. Default 11. Ldn (Optional[float]): amount to decrease L when accetping an update step. Default 9. """ def __init__( self, model: "AstroPhot_Model", initial_state: Sequence = None, max_iter: int = 100, fit_parameters_identity: Optional[tuple] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( model, initial_state, max_iter=max_iter, fit_parameters_identity=fit_parameters_identity, **kwargs, ) # Set optimizer parameters self.epsilon4 = kwargs.get("epsilon4", 0.1) self.epsilon5 = kwargs.get("epsilon5", 1e-8) self.Lup = kwargs.get("Lup", 11.0) self.Ldn = kwargs.get("Ldn", 9.0) self.L = kwargs.get("L0", 1e-3) self.use_broyden = kwargs.get("use_broyden", False) # Initialize optimizer atributes self.Y =[self.fit_window].flatten("data") # 1 / sigma^2 self.W = ( 1.0 /[self.fit_window].flatten("variance") if else 1.0 ) # # pixels # parameters self.ndf = len(self.Y) - len(self.current_state) self.J = None self.full_jac = False self.current_Y = None self.prev_Y = [None, None] if self.mask =[self.fit_window].flatten("mask") # subtract masked pixels from degrees of freedom self.ndf -= torch.sum(self.mask) self.L_history = [] self.decision_history = [] self.rho_history = [] self._count_converged = 0 self.ndf = kwargs.get("ndf", self.ndf) self._covariance_matrix = None # update attributes with constraints self.constraints = kwargs.get("constraints", None) if self.constraints is not None and isinstance(self.constraints, LM_Constraint): self.constraints = (self.constraints,) if self.constraints is not None: for con in self.constraints: self.Y =, con.reference_value)) self.W =, 1 / con.weight)) self.ndf -= con.reduce_ndf if self.mask = ( self.mask, torch.zeros_like(con.reference_value, dtype=torch.bool), ) )
[docs] def L_up(self, Lup=None): if Lup is None: Lup = self.Lup self.L = min(1e9, self.L * Lup)
[docs] def L_dn(self, Ldn=None): if Ldn is None: Ldn = self.Ldn self.L = max(1e-9, self.L / Ldn)
[docs] def step(self, current_state=None) -> None: """ Levenberg-Marquardt update step """ if current_state is not None: self.current_state = current_state if self.iteration > 0: if self.verbose > 0:"---------iter---------") else: if self.verbose > 0:"---------init---------") h = self.update_h() if self.verbose > 1:"h: {h.detach().cpu().numpy()}") self.update_Yp(h) loss = self.update_chi2() if self.verbose > 0:"LM loss: {loss.item()}") if self.iteration == 0: self.prev_Y[1] = self.current_Y self.loss_history.append(loss.detach().cpu().item()) self.L_history.append(self.L) self.lambda_history.append( np.copy((self.current_state + h).detach().cpu().numpy()) ) if self.iteration > 0 and not torch.isfinite(loss): if self.verbose > 0: AP_config.ap_logger.warning("nan loss") self.decision_history.append("nan") self.rho_history.append(None) self._count_reject += 1 self.iteration += 1 self.L_up() return elif self.iteration > 0: lossmin = np.nanmin(self.loss_history[:-1]) rho = self.rho(lossmin, loss, h) if self.verbose > 1: AP_config.ap_logger.debug( f"LM loss: {loss.item()}, best loss: {np.nanmin(self.loss_history[:-1])}, loss diff: {np.nanmin(self.loss_history[:-1]) - loss.item()}, L: {self.L}" ) self.rho_history.append(rho) if self.verbose > 1: AP_config.ap_logger.debug(f"rho: {rho.item()}") if rho > self.epsilon4: if self.verbose > 0:"accept") self.decision_history.append("accept") self.prev_Y[0] = self.prev_Y[1] self.prev_Y[1] = torch.clone(self.current_Y) self.current_state += h self.L_dn() self._count_reject = 0 if 0 < ((lossmin - loss) / loss) < self.relative_tolerance: self._count_finish += 1 else: self._count_finish = 0 else: if self.verbose > 0:"reject") self.decision_history.append("reject") self.L_up() self._count_reject += 1 return else: self.decision_history.append("init") self.rho_history.append(None) if ( (not self.use_broyden) or self.J is None or self.iteration < 2 or "reset" in self.decision_history[-2:] or rho < self.epsilon4 or self._count_reject > 0 or self.iteration >= (2 * len(self.current_state)) or self.decision_history[-1] == "nan" ): if self.verbose > 1: AP_config.ap_logger.debug("full jac") self.update_J_AD() else: if self.verbose > 1: AP_config.ap_logger.debug("Broyden jac") self.update_J_Broyden(h, self.prev_Y[0], self.current_Y) self.update_hess() self.update_grad(self.prev_Y[1]) self.iteration += 1
[docs] def fit(self): self.iteration = 0 self._count_reject = 0 self._count_finish = 0 self.grad_only = False start_fit = time() try: while True: if self.verbose > 0:"L: {self.L}") # take LM step self.step() # Save the state of the model if ( self.save_steps is not None and self.decision_history[-1] == "accept" ): os.path.join( self.save_steps, f"{}_Iteration_{self.iteration:03d}.yaml", ) ) lam, L, loss = self.progress_history() # Check for convergence if ( self.decision_history.count("accept") > 2 and self.decision_history[-1] == "accept" and L[-1] < 0.1 and ((loss[-2] - loss[-1]) / loss[-1]) < (self.relative_tolerance / 10) ): self._count_converged += 1 elif self.iteration >= self.max_iter: self.message = ( self.message + f"fail max iterations reached: {self.iteration}" ) break elif not torch.all(torch.isfinite(self.current_state)): self.message = self.message + "fail non-finite step taken" break elif ( self.L >= (1e9 - 1) and self._count_reject >= 8 and not self.take_low_rho_step() ): self.message = ( self.message + "fail by immobility, unable to find improvement or even small bad step" ) break if self._count_converged >= 3: self.message = self.message + "success" break lam, L, loss = self.accept_history() if len(loss) >= 10: loss10 = np.array(loss[-10:]) if ( np.all( np.abs((loss10[0] - loss10[-1]) / loss10[-1]) < self.relative_tolerance ) and L[-1] < 0.1 ): self.message = self.message + "success" break if ( np.all( np.abs((loss10[0] - loss10[-1]) / loss10[-1]) < self.relative_tolerance ) and L[-1] >= 0.1 ): self.message = ( self.message + "fail by immobility, possible bad area of parameter space." ) break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.message = self.message + "fail interrupted" if self.message.startswith("fail") and self._count_finish > 0: self.message = ( self.message + ". possibly converged to numerical precision and could not make a better step." ) self.model.parameters.set_values( self.res(), as_representation=True, parameters_identity=self.fit_parameters_identity, ) if self.verbose > 1: f"LM Fitting complete in {time() - start_fit} sec with message: {self.message}" ) return self
[docs] def update_uncertainty(self): # set the uncertainty for each parameter cov = self.covariance_matrix if torch.all(torch.isfinite(cov)): try: self.model.parameters.set_uncertainty( torch.sqrt( torch.abs(torch.diag(cov)) ), as_representation=False, parameters_identity=self.fit_parameters_identity, ) except RuntimeError as e: AP_config.ap_logger.warning(f"Unable to update uncertainty due to: {e}")
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def undo_step(self) -> None:"undoing step, trying to recover") assert ( self.decision_history.count("accept") >= 2 ), "cannot undo with not enough accepted steps, retry with new parameters" assert len(self.decision_history) == len(self.lambda_history) assert len(self.decision_history) == len(self.L_history) found_accept = False for i in reversed(range(len(self.decision_history))): if not found_accept and self.decision_history[i] == "accept": found_accept = True continue if self.decision_history[i] != "accept": continue self.current_state = torch.tensor( self.lambda_history[i], dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device, ) self.L = self.L_history[i] * self.Lup
[docs] def take_low_rho_step(self) -> bool: for i in reversed(range(len(self.decision_history))): if "accept" in self.decision_history[i]: return False if self.rho_history[i] is not None and self.rho_history[i] > 0: if self.verbose > 0: f"taking a low rho step for some progress: {self.rho_history[i]}" ) self.current_state = torch.tensor( self.lambda_history[i], dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device, ) self.L = self.L_history[i] self.loss_history.append(self.loss_history[i]) self.L_history.append(self.L) self.lambda_history.append( np.copy((self.current_state).detach().cpu().numpy()) ) self.decision_history.append("low rho accept") self.rho_history.append(self.rho_history[i]) with torch.no_grad(): self.update_Yp(torch.zeros_like(self.current_state)) self.prev_Y[0] = self.prev_Y[1] self.prev_Y[1] = self.current_Y self.update_J_AD() self.update_hess() self.update_grad(self.prev_Y[1]) self.iteration += 1 self.count_reject = 0 return True
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_h(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Solves the LM update linear equation (H + L*I)h = G to determine the proposal for how to adjust the parameters to decrease the chi2. """ h = torch.zeros_like(self.current_state) if self.iteration == 0: return h h = torch.linalg.solve( ( self.hess + self.L**2 * torch.eye( len(self.grad), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) ) * ( 1 + self.L**2 * torch.eye( len(self.grad), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) ) ** 2 / (1 + self.L**2), self.grad, ) return h
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_Yp(self, h): """ Updates the current model values for each pixel """ # Sample model at proposed state self.current_Y = self.model( parameters=self.current_state + h, as_representation=True, parameters_identity=self.fit_parameters_identity, window=self.fit_window, ).flatten("data") # Add constraint evaluations if self.constraints is not None: for con in self.constraints: self.current_Y =, con(self.model)))
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_chi2(self): """ Updates the chi squared / ndf value """ # Apply mask if needed if loss = ( torch.sum( ((self.Y - self.current_Y) ** 2 * self.W)[ torch.logical_not(self.mask) ] ) / self.ndf ) else: loss = torch.sum((self.Y - self.current_Y) ** 2 * self.W) / self.ndf return loss
[docs] def update_J_AD(self) -> None: """ Update the jacobian using automatic differentiation, produces an accurate jacobian at the current state. """ # Free up memory del self.J if "cpu" not in AP_config.ap_device: torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Compute jacobian on image self.J = self.model.jacobian( torch.clone(self.current_state).detach(), as_representation=True, parameters_identity=self.fit_parameters_identity, window=self.fit_window, ).flatten("data") # compute the constraint jacobian if needed if self.constraints is not None: for con in self.constraints: self.J =, con.jacobian(self.model))) # Apply mask if needed if self.J[self.mask] = 0.0 # Note that the most recent jacobian was a full autograd jacobian self.full_jac = True
[docs] def update_J_natural(self) -> None: """ Update the jacobian using automatic differentiation, produces an accurate jacobian at the current state. Use this method to get the jacobian in the parameter space instead of representation space. """ # Free up memory del self.J if "cpu" not in AP_config.ap_device: torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Compute jacobian on image self.J = self.model.jacobian( torch.clone( self.model.parameters.transform( self.current_state, to_representation=False, parameters_identity=self.fit_parameters_identity, ) ).detach(), as_representation=False, parameters_identity=self.fit_parameters_identity, window=self.fit_window, ).flatten("data") # compute the constraint jacobian if needed if self.constraints is not None: for con in self.constraints: self.J =, con.jacobian(self.model))) # Apply mask if needed if self.J[self.mask] = 0.0 # Note that the most recent jacobian was a full autograd jacobian self.full_jac = False
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_J_Broyden(self, h, Yp, Yph) -> None: """ Use the Broyden update to approximate the new Jacobian tensor at the current state. Less accurate, but far faster. """ # Update the Jacobian self.J = Broyden_step(self.J, h, Yp, Yph) # Apply mask if needed if self.J[self.mask] = 0.0 # compute the constraint jacobian if needed if self.constraints is not None: for con in self.constraints: self.J =, con.jacobian(self.model))) # Note that the most recent jacobian update was with Broyden step self.full_jac = False
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_hess(self) -> None: """ Update the Hessian using the jacobian most recently computed on the image. """ if isinstance(self.W, float): self.hess = torch.matmul(self.J.T, self.J) else: self.hess = torch.matmul(self.J.T, self.W.view(len(self.W), -1) * self.J) self.hess += self.epsilon5 * torch.eye( len(self.current_state), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device, )
@property @torch.no_grad() def covariance_matrix(self) -> torch.Tensor: if self._covariance_matrix is not None: return self._covariance_matrix self.update_J_natural() self.update_hess() try: self._covariance_matrix = 2*torch.linalg.inv(self.hess) except: AP_config.ap_logger.warning( "WARNING: Hessian is singular, likely at least one model is non-physical. Will massage Hessian to continue but results should be inspected." ) self.hess += torch.eye( len(self.grad), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) * (torch.diag(self.hess) == 0) self._covariance_matrix = 2*torch.linalg.inv(self.hess) return self._covariance_matrix
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def update_grad(self, Yph) -> None: """ Update the gradient using the model evaluation on all pixels """ self.grad = torch.matmul(self.J.T, self.W * (self.Y - Yph))
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def rho(self, Xp, Xph, h) -> torch.Tensor: return ( self.ndf * (Xp - Xph) / abs( h, self.L**2 * (torch.abs(torch.diag(self.hess) - self.epsilon5) * h) + self.grad, ) ) )
[docs] def accept_history(self) -> (List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[float]): lambdas = [] Ls = [] losses = [] for l in range(len(self.decision_history)): if "accept" in self.decision_history[l] and np.isfinite( self.loss_history[l] ): lambdas.append(self.lambda_history[l]) Ls.append(self.L_history[l]) losses.append(self.loss_history[l]) return lambdas, Ls, losses
[docs] def progress_history(self) -> (List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[float]): lambdas = [] Ls = [] losses = [] for l in range(len(self.decision_history)): if self.decision_history[l] == "accept": lambdas.append(self.lambda_history[l]) Ls.append(self.L_history[l]) losses.append(self.loss_history[l]) return lambdas, Ls, losses
[docs] class LM_Constraint: """Add an arbitrary constraint to the LM optimization algorithm. Expresses a constraint between parameters in the LM optimization routine. Constraints may be used to bias parameters to have certain behaviour, for example you may require the radius of one model to be larger than that of another, or may require two models to have the same position on the sky. The constraints defined in this object are fuzzy constraints and so can be broken to some degree, the amount of constraint breaking is determined my how informative the data is and how strong the constraint weight is set. To create a constraint, first construct a function which takes as argument a 1D tensor of the model parameters and gives as output a real number (or 1D tensor of real numbers) which is zero when the constraint is satisfied and non-zero increasing based on how much the constraint is violated. For example: def example_constraint(P): return (P[1] - P[0]) * (P[1] > P[0]).int() which enforces that parameter 1 is less than parameter 0. Note that we do not use any control flow "if" statements and instead incorporate the condition through multiplication, this is important as it allows pytorch to compute derivatives through the expression and performs far faster on GPU since no communication is needed back and forth to handle the if-statement. Keep this in mind while constructing your constraint function. Also, make sure that any math operations are performed by pytorch so it can construct a computational graph. Bayond the requirement that the constraint be differentiable, there is no limitation on what constraints can be built with this system. Args: constraint_func (Callable[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]): python function which takes in a 1D tensor of parameters and generates real values in a tensor. constraint_args (Optional[tuple]): An optional tuple of arguments for the constraint function that will be unpacked when calling the function. weight (torch.Tensor): The weight of this constraint in the range (0,inf). Smaller values mean a stronger constraint, larger values mean a weaker constraint. Default 1. representation_parameters (bool): if the constraint_func expects the parameters in the form of their representation or their standard value. Default False out_len (int): the length of the output tensor by constraint_func. Default 1 reference_value (torch.Tensor): The value at which the constraint is satisfied. Default 0. reduce_ndf (float): Amount by which to reduce the degrees of freedom. Default 0. """ def __init__( self, constraint_func: Callable[[torch.Tensor, Any], torch.Tensor], constraint_args: tuple = (), representation_parameters: bool = False, out_len: int = 1, reduce_ndf: float = 0.0, weight: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, reference_value: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs, ): self.constraint_func = constraint_func self.constraint_args = constraint_args self.representation_parameters = representation_parameters self.out_len = out_len self.reduce_ndf = reduce_ndf self.reference_value = torch.as_tensor( reference_value if reference_value is not None else torch.zeros(out_len), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device, ) self.weight = torch.as_tensor( weight if weight is not None else torch.ones(out_len), dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device, )
[docs] def jacobian(self, model: "AstroPhot_Model"): jac = jacobian( lambda P: self.constraint_func(P, *self.constraint_args), model.parameters.get_vector( as_representation=self.representation_parameters ), strategy="forward-mode", vectorize=True, create_graph=False, ) return jac.reshape(-1, np.sum(model.parameters.vector_len()))
def __call__(self, model: "AstroPhot_Model"): return self.constraint_func( model.parameters.get_vector( as_representation=self.representation_parameters ), *self.constraint_args, )