import torch
import numpy as np
from .psf_model_object import PSF_Model
from ..image import PSF_Image
from ..utils.decorators import ignore_numpy_warnings, default_internal
from ..utils.interpolate import interp2d
from ._shared_methods import select_target
from ..param import Param_Unlock, Param_SoftLimits
from .. import AP_config
__all__ = ["Eigen_PSF"]
class Eigen_PSF(PSF_Model):
"""point source model which uses multiple images as a basis for the
PSF as its representation for point sources. Using bilinear
interpolation it will shift the PSF within a pixel to accurately
represent the center location of a point source. There is no
functional form for this object type as any image can be
supplied. Note that as an argument to the model at construction
one can provide "psf" as an AstroPhot PSF_Image object. Since only
bilinear interpolation is performed, it is recommended to provide
the PSF at a higher resolution than the image if it is near the
nyquist sampling limit. Bilinear interpolation is very fast and
accurate for smooth models, so this way it is possible to do the
expensive interpolation before optimization and save time. Note
that if you do this you must provide the PSF as a PSF_Image object
with the correct pixelscale (essentially just divide the
pixelscale by the upsampling factor you used).
eigen_basis (tensor): This is the basis set of images used to form the eigen point source, it should be a tensor with shape (N x W x H) where N is the number of eigen images, and W/H are the dimensions of the image.
eigen_pixelscale (float): This is the pixelscale associated with the eigen basis images.
flux: the total flux of the point source model, represented as the log of the total flux.
weights: the relative amplitude of the Eigen basis modes.
model_type = f"eigen {PSF_Model.model_type}"
parameter_specs = {
"flux": {"units": "log10(flux/arcsec^2)", "value": 0., "locked": True},
"weights": {"units": "unitless"},
_parameter_order = PSF_Model._parameter_order + ("flux","weights")
useable = True
model_integrated = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if "eigen_basis" not in kwargs:
AP_config.ap_logger.warning("Eigen basis not supplied! Assuming psf as single basis element. Please provide Eigen basis or just use an empirical PSF image.")
self.eigen_basis = torch.clone(
self.parameters["weights"].locked = True
self.eigen_basis = torch.as_tensor(
dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype,
device = AP_config.ap_device
if kwargs.get("normalize_eigen_basis", True):
self.eigen_basis = self.eigen_basis / torch.sum(self.eigen_basis, axis = (1,2)).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
self.eigen_pixelscale = torch.as_tensor(
kwargs.get("eigen_pixelscale", 1. if is None else,
dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype,
device = AP_config.ap_device
def initialize(self, target=None, parameters=None, **kwargs):
super().initialize(target=target, parameters=parameters)
target_area = target[self.window]
with Param_Unlock(parameters["flux"]), Param_SoftLimits(parameters["flux"]):
if parameters["flux"].value is None:
parameters["flux"].value = torch.log10(torch.abs(torch.sum( / target.pixel_area)
if parameters["flux"].uncertainty is None:
parameters["flux"].uncertainty = torch.abs(parameters["flux"].value) * self.default_uncertainty
with Param_Unlock(parameters["weights"]), Param_SoftLimits(parameters["weights"]):
if parameters["weights"].value is None:
W = np.zeros(len(self.eigen_basis))
W[0] = 1.
parameters["weights"].value = W
if parameters["weights"].uncertainty is None:
parameters["weights"].uncertainty = torch.ones_like(parameters["weights"].value) * self.default_uncertainty
def evaluate_model(self, X=None, Y=None, image=None, parameters=None, **kwargs):
if X is None:
Coords = image.get_coordinate_meshgrid()
X, Y = Coords - parameters["center"].value[..., None, None]
psf_model = PSF_Image(
data = torch.clamp(torch.sum(self.eigen_basis.detach() * (parameters["weights"].value / torch.linalg.norm(parameters["weights"].value)).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2), axis = 0), min = 0.),
pixelscale = self.eigen_pixelscale.detach(),
# Convert coordinates into pixel locations in the psf image
pX, pY = psf_model.plane_to_pixel(X, Y)
# Select only the pixels where the PSF image is defined
select = torch.logical_and(
torch.logical_and(pX > -0.5, pX <[1]-0.5),
torch.logical_and(pY > -0.5, pY <[0]-0.5),
# Zero everywhere outside the psf
result = torch.zeros_like(X)
# Use bilinear interpolation of the PSF at the requested coordinates
result[select] = interp2d(, pX[select], pY[select])
# Ensure positive values
result = torch.clamp(result, min = 0.)
return result * (image.pixel_area * 10 ** parameters["flux"].value)