Source code for astrophot.models.galaxy_model_object

from typing import Optional

import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import iqr

from ..utils.initialize import isophotes
from ..utils.decorators import ignore_numpy_warnings, default_internal
from ..utils.angle_operations import Angle_Average, Angle_COM_PA
from ..utils.conversions.coordinates import (
from ..param import Param_Unlock, Param_SoftLimits, Parameter_Node
from .model_object import Component_Model
from ._shared_methods import select_target

__all__ = ["Galaxy_Model"]

[docs] class Galaxy_Model(Component_Model): """General galaxy model to be subclassed for any specific representation. Defines a galaxy as an object with a position angle and axis ratio, or effectively a tilted disk. Most subclassing models should simply define a radial model or update to the coordinate transform. The definition of the position angle and axis ratio used here is simply a scaling along the minor axis. The transformation can be written as: X, Y = meshgrid(image) X', Y' = Rot(theta, X, Y) Y'' = Y' / q where X Y are the coordinates of an image, X' Y' are the rotated coordinates, Rot is a rotation matrix by angle theta applied to the initial X Y coordinates, Y'' is the scaled semi-minor axis, and q is the axis ratio. Parameters: q: axis ratio to scale minor axis from the ratio of the minor/major axis b/a, this parameter is unitless, it is restricted to the range (0,1) PA: position angle of the smei-major axis relative to the image positive x-axis in radians, it is a cyclic parameter in the range [0,pi) """ model_type = f"galaxy {Component_Model.model_type}" parameter_specs = { "q": {"units": "b/a", "limits": (0, 1), "uncertainty": 0.03}, "PA": { "units": "radians", "limits": (0, np.pi), "cyclic": True, "uncertainty": 0.06, }, } _parameter_order = Component_Model._parameter_order + ("q", "PA") useable = False
[docs] @torch.no_grad() @ignore_numpy_warnings @select_target @default_internal def initialize( self, target=None, parameters: Optional[Parameter_Node] = None, **kwargs ): super().initialize(target=target, parameters=parameters) if not (parameters["PA"].value is None or parameters["q"].value is None): return target_area = target[self.window] target_dat = if target_area.has_mask: mask = target_area.mask.detach().cpu().numpy() target_dat[mask] = np.median(target_dat[np.logical_not(mask)]) edge = np.concatenate( ( target_dat[:, 0], target_dat[:, -1], target_dat[0, :], target_dat[-1, :], ) ) edge_average = np.nanmedian(edge) edge_scatter = iqr(edge[np.isfinite(edge)], rng=(16, 84)) / 2 icenter = target_area.plane_to_pixel(parameters["center"].value) if parameters["PA"].value is None: weights = target_dat - edge_average Coords = target_area.get_coordinate_meshgrid() X, Y = Coords - parameters["center"].value[..., None, None] X, Y = X.detach().cpu().numpy(), Y.detach().cpu().numpy() if target_area.has_mask: seg = np.logical_not(target_area.mask.detach().cpu().numpy()) PA = Angle_COM_PA(weights[seg], X[seg], Y[seg]) else: PA = Angle_COM_PA(weights, X, Y) with Param_Unlock(parameters["PA"]), Param_SoftLimits(parameters["PA"]): parameters["PA"].value = (PA+target_area.north) % np.pi if parameters["PA"].uncertainty is None: parameters["PA"].uncertainty = (5 * np.pi / 180) * torch.ones_like(parameters["PA"].value) # default uncertainty of 5 degrees is assumed if parameters["q"].value is None: q_samples = np.linspace(0.2, 0.9, 15) iso_info = isophotes( - edge_average, (icenter[1].detach().cpu().item(), icenter[0].detach().cpu().item()), threshold=3 * edge_scatter, pa=(parameters["PA"].value - target.north).detach().cpu().item(), q=q_samples, ) with Param_Unlock(parameters["q"]), Param_SoftLimits(parameters["q"]): parameters["q"].value = q_samples[np.argmin(list(iso["amplitude2"] for iso in iso_info))] if parameters["q"].uncertainty is None: parameters["q"].uncertainty = parameters["q"].value * self.default_uncertainty
[docs] @default_internal def transform_coordinates(self, X, Y, image=None, parameters=None): X, Y = Rotate_Cartesian(-(parameters["PA"].value - image.north), X, Y) return ( X, Y / parameters["q"].value, )
[docs] @default_internal def evaluate_model( self, X=None, Y=None, image=None, parameters: Parameter_Node = None, **kwargs ): if X is None or Y is None: Coords = image.get_coordinate_meshgrid() X, Y = Coords - parameters["center"].value[..., None, None] XX, YY = self.transform_coordinates(X, Y, image, parameters) return self.radial_model( self.radius_metric(XX, YY, image, parameters), image=image, parameters=parameters, )