from functools import partial
from typing import Optional, Union
import io
import numpy as np
import torch
from .core_model import AstroPhot_Model
from ..image import (
from ..param import Parameter_Node, Param_Unlock, Param_SoftLimits
from ..utils.initialize import center_of_mass
from ..utils.decorators import ignore_numpy_warnings, default_internal
from ._shared_methods import select_target
from .. import AP_config
from ..errors import InvalidTarget
__all__ = ["Component_Model"]
class Component_Model(AstroPhot_Model):
"""Component_Model(name, target, window, locked, **kwargs)
Component_Model is a base class for models that represent single
objects or parametric forms. It provides the basis for subclassing
models and requires the definition of parameters, initialization,
and model evaluation functions. This class also handles
integration, PSF convolution, and computing the Jacobian matrix.
parameter_specs (dict): Specifications for the model parameters.
_parameter_order (tuple): Fixed order of parameters.
psf_mode (str): Technique and scope for PSF convolution.
sampling_mode (str): Method for initial sampling of model. Can be one of midpoint, trapezoid, simpson. Default: midpoint
sampling_tolerance (float): accuracy to which each pixel should be evaluated. Default: 1e-2
integrate_mode (str): Integration scope for the model. One of none, threshold, full where threshold will select which pixels to integrate while full (in development) will integrate all pixels. Default: threshold
integrate_max_depth (int): Maximum recursion depth when performing sub pixel integration.
integrate_gridding (int): Amount by which to subdivide pixels when doing recursive pixel integration.
integrate_quad_level (int): The initial quadrature level for sub pixel integration. Please always choose an odd number 3 or higher.
softening (float): Softening length used for numerical stability and integration stability to avoid discontinuities (near R=0). Effectively has units of arcsec. Default: 1e-5
jacobian_chunksize (int): Maximum size of parameter list before jacobian will be broken into smaller chunks.
special_kwargs (list): Parameters which are treated specially by the model object and should not be updated directly.
useable (bool): Indicates if the model is useable.
initialize: Determine initial values for the center coordinates.
sample: Evaluate the model on the space covered by an image object.
jacobian: Compute the Jacobian matrix for this model.
# Specifications for the model parameters including units, value, uncertainty, limits, locked, and cyclic
parameter_specs = {
"center": {"units": "arcsec", "uncertainty": [0.1, 0.1]},
# Fixed order of parameters for all methods that interact with the list of parameters
_parameter_order = ("center",)
# Scope for PSF convolution
psf_mode = "none" # none, full
# Technique for PSF convolution
psf_convolve_mode = "fft" # fft, direct
# Method to use when performing subpixel shifts. bilinear set by default for stability around pixel edges, though lanczos:3 is also fairly stable, and all are stable when away from pixel edges
psf_subpixel_shift = "bilinear" # bilinear, lanczos:2, lanczos:3, lanczos:5, none
# Method for initial sampling of model
sampling_mode = (
"midpoint" # midpoint, trapezoid, simpsons, quad:x (where x is a positive integer)
# Level to which each pixel should be evaluated
sampling_tolerance = 1e-2
# Integration scope for model
integrate_mode = "threshold" # none, threshold
# Maximum recursion depth when performing sub pixel integration
integrate_max_depth = 3
# Amount by which to subdivide pixels when doing recursive pixel integration
integrate_gridding = 5
# The initial quadrature level for sub pixel integration. Please always choose an odd number 3 or higher
integrate_quad_level = 3
# Maximum size of parameter list before jacobian will be broken into smaller chunks, this is helpful for limiting the memory requirements to build a model, lower jacobian_chunksize is slower but uses less memory
jacobian_chunksize = 10
image_chunksize = 1000
# Softening length used for numerical stability and/or integration stability to avoid discontinuities (near R=0)
softening = 1e-3
# Parameters which are treated specially by the model object and should not be updated directly when initializing
special_kwargs = ["parameters", "filename", "model_type"]
track_attrs = [
useable = False
def __init__(self, *, name=None, **kwargs):
self._target_identity = None
super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.psf = None
self.psf_aux_image = None
# Set any user defined attributes for the model
for kwarg in kwargs: # fixme move to core model?
# Skip parameters with special behaviour
if kwarg in self.special_kwargs:
# Set the model parameter
setattr(self, kwarg, kwargs[kwarg])
# If loading from a file, get model configuration then exit __init__
if "filename" in kwargs:
self.load(kwargs["filename"], new_name=name)
self.parameter_specs = self.build_parameter_specs(kwargs.get("parameters", None))
with torch.no_grad():
if isinstance(kwargs.get("parameters", None), torch.Tensor):
self.parameters.value = kwargs["parameters"]
def set_aux_psf(self, aux_psf, add_parameters=True):
"""Set the PSF for this model as an auxiliary psf model. This psf
model will be resampled as part of the model sampling step to
track changes made during fitting.
aux_psf: The auxiliary psf model
add_parameters: if true, the parameters of the auxiliary psf model will become model parameters for this model as well.
self._psf = aux_psf
if add_parameters:
def psf(self):
if self._psf is None:
except AttributeError:
return None
return self._psf
def psf(self, val):
if val is None:
self._psf = None
elif isinstance(val, PSF_Image):
self._psf = val
elif isinstance(val, AstroPhot_Model):
self._psf = PSF_Image(data=val,
"Setting PSF with pixel matrix, assuming target pixelscale is the same as "
"PSF pixelscale. To remove this warning, set PSFs as an ap.image.PSF_Image "
"or ap.models.AstroPhot_Model object instead."
# Initialization functions
def initialize(
target: Optional["Target_Image"] = None,
parameters: Optional[Parameter_Node] = None,
"""Determine initial values for the center coordinates. This is done
with a local center of mass search which iterates by finding
the center of light in a window, then iteratively updates
until the iterations move by less than a pixel.
target (Optional[Target_Image]): A target image object to use as a reference when setting parameter values
super().initialize(target=target, parameters=parameters)
# Get the sub-image area corresponding to the model image
target_area = target[self.window]
# Use center of window if a center hasn't been set yet
if parameters["center"].value is None:
with (
parameters["center"].value =
if parameters["center"].locked:
# Convert center coordinates to target area array indices
init_icenter = target_area.plane_to_pixel(parameters["center"].value)
# Compute center of mass in window
COM = center_of_mass(
if np.any(np.array(COM) < 0) or np.any(np.array(COM) >= np.array(
AP_config.ap_logger.warning("center of mass failed, using center of window")
COM = (COM[1], COM[0])
# Convert center of mass indices to coordinates
COM_center = target_area.pixel_to_plane(
torch.tensor(COM, dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device)
# Set the new coordinates as the model center
parameters["center"].value = COM_center
# Fit loop functions
def evaluate_model(
X: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
Y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
image: Optional[Image] = None,
parameters: Parameter_Node = None,
"""Evaluate the model on every pixel in the given image. The
basemodel object simply returns zeros, this function should be
overloaded by subclasses.
image (Image): The image defining the set of pixels on which to evaluate the model
if X is None or Y is None:
Coords = image.get_coordinate_meshgrid()
X, Y = Coords - parameters["center"].value[..., None, None]
return torch.zeros_like(X) # do nothing in base model
def sample(
image: Optional[Image] = None,
window: Optional[Window] = None,
parameters: Optional[Parameter_Node] = None,
"""Evaluate the model on the space covered by an image object. This
function properly calls integration methods and PSF
convolution. This should not be overloaded except in special
This function is designed to compute the model on a given
image or within a specified window. It takes care of sub-pixel
sampling, recursive integration for high curvature regions,
PSF convolution, and proper alignment of the computed model
with the original pixel grid. The final model is then added to
the requested image.
image (Optional[Image]): An AstroPhot Image object (likely a Model_Image)
on which to evaluate the model values. If not
provided, a new Model_Image object will be created.
window (Optional[Window]): A window within which to evaluate the model.
Should only be used if a subset of the full image
is needed. If not provided, the entire image will
be used.
Image: The image with the computed model values.
# Image on which to evaluate model
if image is None:
image = self.make_model_image(window=window)
# Window within which to evaluate model
if window is None:
working_window = image.window.copy()
working_window = window.copy()
# Parameters with which to evaluate the model
if parameters is None:
parameters = self.parameters
if "window" in self.psf_mode:
raise NotImplementedError("PSF convolution in sub-window not available yet")
if "full" in self.psf_mode:
if isinstance(self.psf, AstroPhot_Model):
psf = self.psf(
psf = self.psf
psf_upscale = torch.round(image.pixel_length / psf.pixel_length).int()
# Add border for psf convolution edge effects, will be cropped out later
# Make the image object to which the samples will be tracked
working_image = Model_Image(window=working_window)
# Sub pixel shift to align the model with the center of a pixel
if self.psf_subpixel_shift != "none":
pixel_center = working_image.plane_to_pixel(parameters["center"].value)
center_shift = pixel_center - torch.round(pixel_center)
center_shift = None
# Evaluate the model at the current resolution
reference, deep = self._sample_init(
# If needed, super-resolve the image in areas of high curvature so pixels are properly sampled
deep = self._sample_integrate(
deep, reference, working_image, parameters, parameters["center"].value
# update the image with the integrated pixels += deep
# Convolve the PSF
self._sample_convolve(working_image, center_shift, psf, self.psf_subpixel_shift)
# Shift image back to align with original pixel grid
if self.psf_subpixel_shift != "none":
# Add the sampled/integrated/convolved pixels to the requested image
working_image = working_image.reduce(psf_upscale).crop(psf.psf_border_int)
# Create an image to store pixel samples
working_image = Model_Image(pixelscale=image.pixelscale, window=working_window)
# Evaluate the model on the image
reference, deep = self._sample_init(
# Super-resolve and integrate where needed
deep = self._sample_integrate(
# Add the sampled/integrated pixels to the requested image += deep
if self.mask is not None: = * torch.logical_not(self.mask)
image += working_image
return image
def target(self):
return self._target
def target(self, tar):
if not (tar is None or isinstance(tar, Target_Image)):
raise InvalidTarget("AstroPhot_Model target must be a Target_Image instance.")
# If a target image list is assigned, pick out the target appropriate for this model
if isinstance(tar, Target_Image_List) and self._target_identity is not None:
for subtar in tar:
if subtar.identity == self._target_identity:
usetar = subtar
raise InvalidTarget(
f"Could not find target in Target_Image_List with matching identity "
f"to {}: {self._target_identity}"
usetar = tar
self._target = usetar
# Remember the target identity to use
self._target_identity = self._target.identity
except AttributeError:
def get_state(self, save_params=True):
"""Returns a dictionary with a record of the current state of the
Specifically, the current parameter settings and the window for
this model. From this information it is possible for the model to
re-build itself lated when loading from disk. Note that the target
image is not saved, this must be reset when loading the model.
state = super().get_state()
state["window"] = self.window.get_state()
if save_params:
state["parameters"] = self.parameters.get_state()
state["target_identity"] = self._target_identity
if isinstance(self._psf, PSF_Image) or isinstance(self._psf, AstroPhot_Model):
state["psf"] = self._psf.get_state()
for key in self.track_attrs:
if getattr(self, key) != getattr(self.__class__, key):
state[key] = getattr(self, key)
return state
# Extra background methods for the basemodel
from ._model_methods import radius_metric
from ._model_methods import angular_metric
from ._model_methods import _sample_init
from ._model_methods import _sample_integrate
from ._model_methods import _sample_convolve
from ._model_methods import _integrate_reference
from ._model_methods import _shift_psf
from ._model_methods import build_parameter_specs
from ._model_methods import build_parameters
from ._model_methods import jacobian
from ._model_methods import _chunk_jacobian
from ._model_methods import _chunk_image_jacobian
from ._model_methods import load