Source code for astrophot.models.ray_model

import numpy as np
import torch

from .galaxy_model_object import Galaxy_Model
from ..param import Parameter_Node
from ..utils.interpolate import cubic_spline_torch
from ..utils.decorators import ignore_numpy_warnings, default_internal
from ..utils.conversions.coordinates import Axis_Ratio_Cartesian

__all__ = ["Ray_Galaxy"]

[docs] class Ray_Galaxy(Galaxy_Model): """Variant of a galaxy model which defines multiple radial models seprarately along some number of rays projected from the galaxy center. These rays smoothly transition from one to another along angles theta. The ray transition uses a cosine smoothing function which depends on the number of rays, for example with two rays the brightness would be: I(R,theta) = I1(R)*cos(theta % pi) + I2(R)*cos((theta + pi/2) % pi) Where I(R,theta) is the brightness function in polar coordinates, R is the semi-major axis, theta is the polar angle (defined after galaxy axis ratio is applied), I1(R) is the first brightness profile, % is the modulo operator, and I2 is the second brightness profile. The ray model defines no extra parameters, though now every model parameter related to the brightness profile gains an extra dimension for the ray number. Also a new input can be given when instantiating the ray model: "rays" which is an integer for the number of rays. """ model_type = f"ray {Galaxy_Model.model_type}" special_kwargs = Galaxy_Model.special_kwargs + ["rays"] rays = 2 track_attrs = Galaxy_Model.track_attrs + ["rays"] useable = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.symmetric_rays = True super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rays = kwargs.get("rays", Ray_Galaxy.rays)
[docs] @default_internal def polar_model(self, R, T, image=None, parameters=None): model = torch.zeros_like(R) if self.rays % 2 == 0 and self.symmetric_rays: for r in range(self.rays): angles = (T - (r * np.pi / self.rays)) % np.pi indices = torch.logical_or( angles < (np.pi / self.rays), angles >= (np.pi * (1 - 1 / self.rays)), ) weight = (torch.cos(angles[indices] * self.rays) + 1) / 2 model[indices] += weight * self.iradial_model(r, R[indices], image) elif self.rays % 2 == 1 and self.symmetric_rays: for r in range(self.rays): angles = (T - (r * np.pi / self.rays)) % (2 * np.pi) indices = torch.logical_or( angles < (np.pi / self.rays), angles >= (np.pi * (2 - 1 / self.rays)), ) weight = (torch.cos(angles[indices] * self.rays) + 1) / 2 model[indices] += weight * self.iradial_model(r, R[indices], image) angles = (T - (np.pi + r * np.pi / self.rays)) % (2 * np.pi) indices = torch.logical_or( angles < (np.pi / self.rays), angles >= (np.pi * (2 - 1 / self.rays)), ) weight = (torch.cos(angles[indices] * self.rays) + 1) / 2 model[indices] += weight * self.iradial_model(r, R[indices], image) elif self.rays % 2 == 0 and not self.symmetric_rays: for r in range(self.rays): angles = (T - (r * 2 * np.pi / self.rays)) % (2 * np.pi) indices = torch.logical_or( angles < (2 * np.pi / self.rays), angles >= (2 * np.pi * (1 - 1 / self.rays)), ) weight = (torch.cos(angles[indices] * self.rays) + 1) / 2 model[indices] += weight * self.iradial_model(r, R[indices], image) else: for r in range(self.rays): angles = (T - (r * 2 * np.pi / self.rays)) % (2 * np.pi) indices = torch.logical_or( angles < (2 * np.pi / self.rays), angles >= (np.pi * (2 - 1 / self.rays)), ) weight = (torch.cos(angles[indices] * self.rays) + 1) / 2 model[indices] += weight * self.iradial_model(r, R[indices], image) return model
[docs] def evaluate_model(self, X=None, Y=None, image=None, parameters=None, **kwargs): if X is None: Coords = image.get_coordinate_meshgrid() X, Y = Coords - parameters["center"].value[..., None, None] XX, YY = self.transform_coordinates(X, Y, image, parameters) return self.polar_model( self.radius_metric(XX, YY, image=image, parameters=parameters), self.angular_metric(XX, YY, image=image, parameters=parameters), image=image, parameters=parameters, )
# class SingleRay_Galaxy(Galaxy_Model):