Source code for astrophot.models.warp_model

import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy.stats import iqr, binned_statistic, binned_statistic_2d

from .galaxy_model_object import Galaxy_Model
from ..utils.interpolate import cubic_spline_torch
from ..utils.conversions.coordinates import Axis_Ratio_Cartesian, Rotate_Cartesian
from ..utils.decorators import ignore_numpy_warnings, default_internal
from ..param import Param_Unlock, Param_SoftLimits
from ._shared_methods import select_target

__all__ = ["Warp_Galaxy"]

[docs] class Warp_Galaxy(Galaxy_Model): """Galaxy model which includes radially varrying PA and q profiles. This works by warping the cooridnates using the same transform for a global PA/q except applied to each pixel individually. In the limit that PA and q are a constant, this recovers a basic galaxy model with global PA/q. However, a linear PA profile will give a spiral appearance, variations of PA/q profiles can create complex galaxy models. The form of the coordinate transformation looks like: X, Y = meshgrid(image) R = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2) X', Y' = Rot(theta(R), X, Y) Y'' = Y' / q(R) where the definitions are the same as for a regular galaxy model, except now the theta is a function of radius R (before transformation) and the axis ratio q is also a function of radius (before the transformation). Parameters: q(R): Tensor of axis ratio values for axis ratio spline PA(R): Tensor of position angle values as input to the spline """ model_type = f"warp {Galaxy_Model.model_type}" parameter_specs = { "q(R)": {"units": "b/a", "limits": (0.05, 1), "uncertainty": 0.04}, "PA(R)": { "units": "rad", "limits": (0, np.pi), "cyclic": True, "uncertainty": 0.08, }, } _parameter_order = Galaxy_Model._parameter_order + ("q(R)", "PA(R)") useable = False
[docs] @torch.no_grad() @ignore_numpy_warnings @select_target @default_internal def initialize(self, target=None, parameters=None, **kwargs): super().initialize(target=target, parameters=parameters) # create the PA(R) and q(R) profile radii if needed for prof_param in ["PA(R)", "q(R)"]: if parameters[prof_param].prof is None: if parameters[prof_param].value is None: # from scratch new_prof = [0, 2 * target.pixel_length] while new_prof[-1] < torch.min(self.window.shape / 2): new_prof.append( new_prof[-1] + torch.max(2 * target.pixel_length, new_prof[-1] * 0.2) ) new_prof.pop() new_prof.pop() new_prof.append(torch.sqrt(torch.sum((self.window.shape / 2) ** 2))) parameters[prof_param].prof = new_prof else: # matching length of a provided profile # create logarithmically spaced profile radii new_prof = [0] + list( np.logspace( np.log10(2 * target.pixel_length), np.log10(torch.max(self.window.shape / 2).item()), len(parameters[prof_param].value) - 1, ) ) # ensure no step is smaller than a pixelscale for i in range(1, len(new_prof)): if new_prof[i] - new_prof[i - 1] < target.pixel_length.item(): new_prof[i] = new_prof[i - 1] + target.pixel_length.item() parameters[prof_param].prof = new_prof if not (parameters["PA(R)"].value is None or parameters["q(R)"].value is None): return with Param_Unlock(parameters["PA(R)"]), Param_SoftLimits(parameters["PA(R)"]): if parameters["PA(R)"].value is None: parameters["PA(R)"].value = np.zeros(len(parameters["PA(R)"].prof)) + target.north if parameters["PA(R)"].uncertainty is None: parameters["PA(R)"].uncertainty = (5 * np.pi / 180) * torch.ones_like(parameters["PA(R)"].value) if parameters["q(R)"].value is None: # If no initial value is provided for q(R) a heursitic initial value is assumed. # The most neutral initial position would be 1, but the boundaries of q are (0,1) non-inclusive # so that is not allowed. A value like 0.999 may get stuck since it is near the very edge of # the (0,1) range. So 0.9 is chosen to be mostly passive, but still some signal for the optimizer. parameters["q(R)"].value = np.ones(len(parameters["q(R)"].prof)) * 0.9 if parameters["q(R)"].uncertainty is None: parameters["q(R)"].uncertainty = self.default_uncertainty * parameters["q(R)"].value
[docs] @default_internal def transform_coordinates(self, X, Y, image=None, parameters=None): X, Y = super().transform_coordinates(X, Y, image, parameters) R = self.radius_metric(X, Y, image, parameters) PA = cubic_spline_torch( parameters["PA(R)"].prof, -(parameters["PA(R)"].value - image.north), R.view(-1), ).view(*R.shape) q = cubic_spline_torch( parameters["q(R)"].prof, parameters["q(R)"].value, R.view(-1) ).view(*R.shape) X, Y = Rotate_Cartesian(PA, X, Y) return X, Y / q