Source code for astrophot.param.base

from collections import OrderedDict
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from ..errors import InvalidParameter

__all__ = ["Node"]

[docs] class Node(ABC): """Base node object in the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The base Node object handles storing the DAG nodes and links between them. An important part of the DAG system is to be able to find all the leaf nodes, which is done using the `flat` function. Args: name (str): The name of the node, this should identify it uniquely in the local context it will be used in. locked (bool): Records if the node is locked, this is relevant for some other operations which only act on unlocked nodes. link (tuple[Node]): A tuple of node objects which this node will be linked to on initialization. """ global_unlock = False def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): if ":" in name: raise ValueError(f"Node names must not have ':' character. Cannot use name: {name}") = name self.nodes = OrderedDict() if "state" in kwargs: self.set_state(kwargs["state"]) return if "link" in kwargs:*kwargs["link"]) self.locked = kwargs.get("locked", False)
[docs] def dump(self): """Simply unlinks all nodes that the current node is linked with. """ self.unlink(*self.nodes.values())
@property def leaf(self): """Returns True when the current node is a leaf node. """ return len(self.nodes) == 0 @property def branch(self): """Returns True when the current node is a branch node (not a leaf node, is linked to more nodes). """ return len(self.nodes) > 0 def __getitem__(self, key): """Used to get a node from the DAG relative to the current node. It is possible to collect nodes from deeper in the DAG by separating the names of the nodes along the path with a colon (:). For example:: first_node["second_node:third_node"] returns a node that is actually linked to ``second_node`` without needing to first get ``second_node`` then call ``second_node['third_node']``. """ if key == return self if key in self.nodes: return self.nodes[key] if isinstance(key, str) and ":" in key: base, stem = key.split(":", 1) return self.nodes[base][stem] if isinstance(key, int): for node in self.nodes.values(): if key == node.identity: return node raise KeyError(f"Unrecognized key for '{}': {key}") def __contains__(self, key): """Check if a node has a link directly to another node. A check like ``"second_node" in first_node`` would return true only if ``first_node`` was linked to ``second_node``. """ return key in self.nodes def __eq__(self, other): """Equality check for nodes only returns true if they are in fact the same node. """ return self is other @property def identity(self): """A read only property of the node which does not change over it's lifetime that uniquely identifies it relative to other nodes. By default this just uses the ``id(self)`` though for the purpose of saving/loading it may not always be this way. """ try: return self._identity except AttributeError: return id(self)
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns a dictionary with state information about this node. From that dictionary the node can reconstruct itself, or form another node which is a copy of this one. """ state = { "name":, "identity": self.identity, } if self.locked: state["locked"] = self.locked if len(self.nodes) > 0: state["nodes"] = list(node.get_state() for node in self.nodes.values()) return state
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Used to set the state of the node for the purpose of loading/copying. This uses the dictionary produced by ``get_state`` to re-create itself. """ = state["name"] self._identity = state["identity"] if "nodes" in state: for node in state["nodes"]: = node["name"], state = node)) self.locked = state.get("locked", False)
def __iter__(self): return filter(lambda n: not n.locked, self.nodes.values()) @property @abstractmethod def value(self): ...
[docs] def flat(self, include_locked = True, include_links = False): """Searches the DAG from this node and collects other nodes in the graph. By default it will include all leaf nodes only, however it can be directed to only collect leaf nodes that are not locked, it can also be directed to collect all nodes instead of just leaf nodes. """ flat = OrderedDict() if self.leaf and self.value is not None: if (not self.locked) or include_locked or Node.global_unlock: flat[self.identity] = self for node in self.nodes.values(): if node.locked and not (include_locked or Node.global_unlock): continue if node.leaf and node.value is not None: flat[node.identity] = node else: if include_links and ((not node.locked) or include_locked or Node.global_unlock): flat[node.identity] = node flat.update(node.flat(include_locked)) return flat
def __str__(self): return f"Node: {}" def __repr__(self): return f"Node: {} " + ("locked" if self.locked else "unlocked") + ("" if self.leaf else " {" + ";".join(repr(node) for node in self.nodes) + "}")