Source code for astrophot.param.parameter

from typing import Optional
from types import FunctionType
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
import numpy as np

from ..utils.conversions.optimization import (
from .. import AP_config
from .base import Node
from ..errors import InvalidParameter

__all__ = ["Parameter_Node"]
[docs] class Parameter_Node(Node): """A node representing parameters and their relative structure. The Parameter_Node object stores all information relevant for the parameters of a model. At a high level the Parameter_Node accomplishes two tasks. The first task is to store the actual parameter values, these are represented as pytorch tensors which can have any shape; these are leaf nodes. The second task is to store the relationship between parameters in a graph structure; these are branch nodes. The two tasks are handled by the same type of object since there is some overlap between them where a branch node acts like a leaf node in certain contexts. There are various quantities that a Parameter_Node tracks which can be provided as arguments or updated later. Args: value: The value of a node represents the tensor which will be used by models to compute their projection into the pixels of an image. These can be quite complex, see further down for more details. cyclic (bool): Records if the value of a node is cyclic, meaning that if it is updated outside it's limits it should be wrapped back into the limits. limits (Tuple[Tensor or None, Tensor or None]): Tracks if a parameter has constraints on the range of values it can take. The first element is the lower limit, the second element is the upper limit. The two elements should either be None (no limit) or tensors with the same shape as the value. units (str): The units of the parameter value. uncertainty (Tensor or None): represents the uncertainty of the parameter value. This should be None (no uncertainty) or a Tensor with the same shape as the value. prof (Tensor or None): This is a profile of values which has no explicit meaning, but can be used to store information which should be kept alongside the value. For example in a spline model the position of the spline points may be a ``prof`` while the flux at each node is the value to be optimized. shape (Tuple or None): Can be used to set the shape of the value (number of elements/dimensions). If not provided then the shape will be set by the first time a value is given. Once a shape has been set, if a value is given which cannot be coerced into that shape, then an error will be thrown. The ``value`` of a Parameter_Node is somewhat complicated, there are a number of states it can take on. The most straightforward is just a Tensor, if a Tensor (or just an iterable like a list or numpy.ndarray) is provided then the node is required to be a leaf node and it will store the value to be accessed later by other parts of AstroPhot. Another option is to set the value as another node (they will automatically be linked), in this case the node's ``value`` is just a wrapper to call for the ``value`` of the linked node. Finally, the value may be a function which allows for arbitrarily complex values to be computed from other node's values. The function must take as an argument the current Parameter_Node instance and return a Tensor. Here are some examples of the various ways of interacting with the ``value`` for a hypothetical parameter ``P``:: P.value = 1. # Will create a tensor with value 1. P.value = P2 # calling P.value will actually call P2.value def compute_value(param): return param["P2"].value**2 P.value = compute_value # calling P.value will call the function as: compute_value(P) which will return P2.value**2 """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, **kwargs) if "state" in kwargs: return temp_locked = self.locked self.locked = False self._value = None = kwargs.get("prof", None) self.limits = kwargs.get("limits", [None, None]) self.cyclic = kwargs.get("cyclic", False) self.shape = kwargs.get("shape", None) self.value = kwargs.get("value", None) self.units = kwargs.get("units", "none") self.uncertainty = kwargs.get("uncertainty", None) self.locked = temp_locked @property def value(self): """The ``value`` of a Parameter_Node is somewhat complicated, there are a number of states it can take on. The most straightforward is just a Tensor, if a Tensor (or just an iterable like a list or numpy.ndarray) is provided then the node is required to be a leaf node and it will store the value to be accessed later by other parts of AstroPhot. Another option is to set the value as another node (they will automatically be linked), in this case the node's ``value`` is just a wrapper to call for the ``value`` of the linked node. Finally, the value may be a function which allows for arbitrarily complex values to be computed from other node's values. The function must take as an argument the current Parameter_Node instance and return a Tensor. Here are some examples of the various ways of interacting with the ``value`` for a hypothetical parameter ``P``:: P.value = 1. # Will create a tensor with value 1. P.value = P2 # calling P.value will actually call P2.value def compute_value(param): return param["P2"].value**2 P.value = compute_value # calling P.value will call the function as: compute_value(P) which will return P2.value**2 """ if isinstance(self._value, Parameter_Node): return self._value.value if isinstance(self._value, FunctionType): return self._value(self) return self._value @property def mask(self): """The mask tensor is stored internally and it cuts out some values from the parameter. This is used by the ``vector`` methods in the class to give the parameter DAG a dynamic shape. """ if not self.leaf: return self.vector_mask() try: return self._mask except AttributeError: return torch.ones(self.shape, dtype = torch.bool, device = AP_config.ap_device) @property def identities(self): """This creates a numpy array of strings which uniquely identify every element in the parameter vector. For example a ``center`` parameter with two components [x,y] would have identities be ``np.array(["123456:0", "123456:1"])`` where the first part is the unique id for the Parameter_Node object and the second number indexes where in the value tensor it refers to. """ if self.leaf: idstr = str(self.identity) return np.array(tuple(f"{idstr}:{i}" for i in range(self.size))) flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.identities for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return np.concatenate(vec) return np.array(()) @property def names(self): """Returns a numpy array of names for all the elements of the ``vector`` representation where the name is determined by the name of the parameters. Note that this does not create a unique name for each element and this should only be used for graphical purposes on small parameter DAGs. """ if self.leaf: S = self.size if S == 1: return np.array((,)) return np.array(tuple(f"{}:{i}" for i in range(self.size))) flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.names for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return np.concatenate(vec) return np.array(())
[docs] def vector_values(self): """The vector representation is for values which correspond to fundamental inputs to the parameter DAG. Since the DAG may have linked nodes, or functions which produce values derived from other node values, the collection of all "values" is not necessarily of use for some methods such as fitting algorithms. The vector representation is useful for optimizers as it gives a fundamental representation of the parameter DAG. The vector_values function returns a vector of the ``value`` for each leaf node. """ if self.leaf: return self.value[self.mask].flatten() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.vector_values() for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return return torch.tensor((), dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device)
[docs] def vector_uncertainty(self): """This returns a vector (see vector_values) with the uncertainty for each leaf node. """ if self.leaf: if self._uncertainty is None: self.uncertainty = torch.ones_like(self.value) return self.uncertainty[self.mask].flatten() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.vector_uncertainty() for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return return torch.tensor((), dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device)
[docs] def vector_representation(self): """This returns a vector (see vector_values) with the representation for each leaf node. The representation is an alternative view of each value which is mapped into the (-inf, inf) range where optimization is more stable. """ return self.vector_transform_val_to_rep(self.vector_values())
[docs] def vector_mask(self): """This returns a vector (see vector_values) with the mask for each leaf node. Note however that the mask is not itself masked, this vector is always the full size of the unmasked parameter DAG. """ if self.leaf: return self.mask.flatten() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.vector_mask() for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return return torch.tensor((), dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device)
[docs] def vector_identities(self): """This returns a vector (see vector_values) with the identities for each leaf node. """ if self.leaf: return self.identities[self.vector_mask().detach().cpu().numpy()].flatten() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.vector_identities() for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return np.concatenate(vec) return np.array(())
[docs] def vector_names(self): """This returns a vector (see vector_values) with the names for each leaf node. """ if self.leaf: return self.names[self.vector_mask().detach().cpu().numpy()].flatten() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) vec = tuple(node.vector_names() for node in flat.values()) if len(vec) > 0: return np.concatenate(vec) return np.array(())
[docs] def vector_set_values(self, values): """This function allows one to update the full vector of values in a single call by providing a tensor of the appropriate size. The input will be separated so that the correct elements are passed to the correct leaf nodes. """ values = torch.as_tensor(values, dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device).flatten() if self.leaf: self._value[self.mask] = values return mask = self.vector_mask() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) loc = 0 for node in flat.values(): node.vector_set_values(values[mask[:loc].sum().int():mask[:loc+node.size].sum().int()]) loc += node.size
[docs] def vector_set_uncertainty(self, uncertainty): """Update the uncertainty vector for this parameter DAG (see vector_set_values). """ uncertainty = torch.as_tensor(uncertainty, dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device) if self.leaf: if self._uncertainty is None: self._uncertainty = torch.ones_like(self.value) self._uncertainty[self.mask] = uncertainty return mask = self.vector_mask() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) loc = 0 for node in flat.values(): node.vector_set_uncertainty(uncertainty[mask[:loc].sum().int():mask[:loc+node.size].sum().int()]) loc += node.size
[docs] def vector_set_mask(self, mask): """Update the mask vector for this parameter DAG (see vector_set_values). Note again that the mask vector is always the full size of the DAG. """ mask = torch.as_tensor(mask, dtype = torch.bool, device = AP_config.ap_device) if self.leaf: self._mask = mask.reshape(self.shape) return flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) loc = 0 for node in flat.values(): node.vector_set_mask(mask[loc:loc+node.size]) loc += node.size
[docs] def vector_set_representation(self, rep): """Update the representation vector for this parameter DAG (see vector_set_values). """ self.vector_set_values(self.vector_transform_rep_to_val(rep))
[docs] def vector_transform_rep_to_val(self, rep): """Used to transform between the ``vector_values`` and ``vector_representation`` views of the elements in the DAG leafs. This transforms from representation to value. The transformation is done based on the limits of each parameter leaf. If no limits are provided then the representation and value are equivalent. If both are given then a ``tan`` and ``arctan`` are used to convert between the finite range and the infinite range. If the limits are one-sided then the transformation: ``newvalue = value - 1 / (value - limit)`` is used. """ rep = torch.as_tensor(rep, dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device) if self.leaf: if self.cyclic: val = cyclic_boundaries(rep, (self.limits[0][self.mask], self.limits[1][self.mask])) elif self.limits[0] is None and self.limits[1] is None: val = rep else: val = inv_boundaries( rep, ( None if self.limits[0] is None else self.limits[0][self.mask], None if self.limits[1] is None else self.limits[1][self.mask] ) ) return val mask = self.vector_mask() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) loc = 0 vals = [] for node in flat.values(): vals.append(node.vector_transform_rep_to_val(rep[mask[:loc].sum().int():mask[:loc+node.size].sum().int()])) loc += node.size if len(vals) > 0: return return torch.tensor((), dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device)
[docs] def vector_transform_val_to_rep(self, val): """Used to transform between the ``vector_values`` and ``vector_representation`` views of the elements in the DAG leafs. This transforms from value to representation. The transformation is done based on the limits of each parameter leaf. If no limits are provided then the representation and value are equivalent. If both are given then a ``tan`` and ``arctan`` are used to convert between the finite range and the infinite range. If the limits are one-sided then the transformation: ``newvalue = value - 1 / (value - limit)`` is used. """ val = torch.as_tensor(val, dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device) if self.leaf: if self.cyclic: rep = cyclic_boundaries(val, (self.limits[0][self.mask], self.limits[1][self.mask])) elif self.limits[0] is None and self.limits[1] is None: rep = val else: rep = boundaries( val, ( None if self.limits[0] is None else self.limits[0][self.mask], None if self.limits[1] is None else self.limits[1][self.mask] ) ) return rep mask = self.vector_mask() flat = self.flat(include_locked = False, include_links = False) loc = 0 reps = [] for node in flat.values(): reps.append(node.vector_transform_val_to_rep(val[mask[:loc].sum().int():mask[:loc+node.size].sum().int()])) loc += node.size if len(reps) > 0: return return torch.tensor((), dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device)
def _set_val_self(self, val): """Handles the setting of the value for a leaf node. Ensures the value is a Tensor and that it has the right shape. Will also check the limits of the value which has different behaviour depending on if it is cyclic, one sided, or two sided. """ val = torch.as_tensor( val, dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) if self.shape is not None: self._value = val.reshape(self.shape) else: self._value = val self.shape = self._value.shape if self.cyclic: self._value = self.limits[0] + ((self._value - self.limits[0]) % (self.limits[1] - self.limits[0])) return if self.limits[0] is not None: if not torch.all(self._value > self.limits[0]): raise InvalidParameter(f"{} has lower limit {self.limits[0].detach().cpu().tolist()}") if self.limits[1] is not None: if not torch.all(self._value < self.limits[1]): raise InvalidParameter(f"{} has upper limit {self.limits[1].detach().cpu().tolist()}") def _soft_set_val_self(self, val): """The same as ``_set_val_self`` except that it doesn't raise an error when the values are set outside their range, instead it will push the values into the range defined by the limits. """ val = torch.as_tensor( val, dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) if self.shape is not None: self._value = val.reshape(self.shape) else: self._value = val self.shape = self._value.shape if self.cyclic: self._value = self.limits[0] + ((self._value - self.limits[0]) % (self.limits[1] - self.limits[0])) return if self.limits[0] is not None: self._value = torch.maximum(self._value, self.limits[0] + torch.ones_like(self._value) * 1e-3) if self.limits[1] is not None: self._value = torch.minimum(self._value, self.limits[1] - torch.ones_like(self._value) * 1e-3) @value.setter def value(self, val): if self.locked and not Node.global_unlock: return if val is None: self._value = None self.shape = None return if isinstance(val, str): self._value = val return if isinstance(val, Parameter_Node): self._value = val self.shape = None # Link only to the pointed node self.dump() return if isinstance(val, FunctionType): self._value = val self.shape = None return if len(self.nodes) > 0: self.vector_set_values(val) self.shape = None return self._set_val_self(val) self.dump() @property def shape(self): try: if isinstance(self._value, Parameter_Node): return self._value.shape if isinstance(self._value, FunctionType): return self.value.shape if self.leaf: return self._shape except AttributeError: pass return None @shape.setter def shape(self, shape): self._shape = shape @property def prof(self): return self._prof @prof.setter def prof(self, prof): if self.locked and not Node.global_unlock: return if prof is None: self._prof = None return self._prof = torch.as_tensor( prof, dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) @property def uncertainty(self): return self._uncertainty @uncertainty.setter def uncertainty(self, unc): if self.locked and not Node.global_unlock: return if unc is None: self._uncertainty = None return self._uncertainty = torch.as_tensor( unc, dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) # Ensure that the uncertainty tensor has the same shape as the data if self.shape is not None: if self._uncertainty.shape != self.shape: self._uncertainty = self._uncertainty * torch.ones(self.shape, dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype, device = AP_config.ap_device) @property def limits(self): return self._limits @limits.setter def limits(self, limits): if self.locked and not Node.global_unlock: return if limits[0] is None: low = None else: low = torch.as_tensor( limits[0], dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) if limits[1] is None: high = None else: high = torch.as_tensor( limits[1], dtype=AP_config.ap_dtype, device=AP_config.ap_device ) self._limits = (low, high)
[docs] def to(self, dtype=None, device=None): """ updates the datatype or device of this parameter """ if dtype is not None: dtype = AP_config.ap_dtype if device is not None: device = AP_config.ap_device if isinstance(self._value, torch.Tensor): self._value =, device=device) elif len(self.nodes) > 0: for node in self.nodes.values():, device) if isinstance(self._uncertainty, torch.Tensor): self._uncertainty =, device=device) if isinstance(, torch.Tensor): =, device=device) return self
[docs] def get_state(self): """Return the values representing the current state of the parameter, this can be used to re-load the state later from memory. """ state = super().get_state() if self.value is not None: if isinstance(self._value, Node): state["value"] = "NODE:" + str(self._value.identity) elif isinstance(self._value, FunctionType): state["value"] = "FUNCTION:" + self._value.__name__ else: state["value"] = self.value.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist() if self.shape is not None: state["shape"] = list(self.shape) if self.units is not None: state["units"] = self.units if self.uncertainty is not None: state["uncertainty"] = self.uncertainty.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist() if not (self.limits[0] is None and self.limits[1] is None): save_lim = [] for i in [0, 1]: if self.limits[i] is None: save_lim.append(None) else: save_lim.append(self.limits[i].detach().cpu().tolist()) state["limits"] = save_lim if self.cyclic: state["cyclic"] = self.cyclic if is not None: state["prof"] = return state
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Update the state of the parameter given a state variable which holds all information about a variable. """ super().set_state(state) save_locked = self.locked self.locked = False self.units = state.get("units", None) self.limits = state.get("limits", (None,None)) self.cyclic = state.get("cyclic", False) self.value = state.get("value", None) self.uncertainty = state.get("uncertainty", None) = state.get("prof", None) self.locked = save_locked
[docs] def flat_detach(self): """Due to the system used to track and update values in the DAG, some parts of the computational graph used to determine gradients may linger after calling .backward on a model using the parameters. This function essentially resets all the leaf values so that the full computational graph is freed. """ for P in self.flat().values(): P.value = P.value.detach() if P.uncertainty is not None: P.uncertainty = P.uncertainty.detach() if is not None: =
@property def size(self): if self.leaf: return self.value.numel() return self.vector_values().numel() def __len__(self): """The number of elements required to fully describe the DAG. This is the number of elements in the vector_values tensor. """ return self.size
[docs] def print_params(self, include_locked=True, include_prof=True, include_id=True): if self.leaf: return f"{}" + (f" (id-{self.identity})" if include_id else "") + f": {self.value.detach().cpu().tolist()}" + ("" if self.uncertainty is None else f" +- {self.uncertainty.detach().cpu().tolist()}") + f" [{self.units}]" + ("" if self.limits[0] is None and self.limits[1] is None else f", limits: ({None if self.limits[0] is None else self.limits[0].detach().cpu().tolist()}, {None if self.limits[1] is None else self.limits[1].detach().cpu().tolist()})") + (", cyclic" if self.cyclic else "") + (", locked" if self.locked else "") + (f", prof: {}" if include_prof and is not None else "") elif isinstance(self._value, Parameter_Node): return + (f" (id-{self.identity})" if include_id else "") + " points to: " + self._value.print_params(include_locked=include_locked, include_prof=include_prof, include_id=include_id) return + (f" (id-{self.identity}, {('function node, '+self._value.__name__) if isinstance(self._value, FunctionType) else 'branch node'})" if include_id else "") + ":\n"
def __str__(self): reply = self.print_params(include_locked=True, include_prof=False, include_id=False) if self.leaf or isinstance(self._value, Parameter_Node): return reply reply += "\n".join(node.print_params(include_locked=True, include_prof=False, include_id=False) for node in self.flat(include_locked=True, include_links=False).values()) return reply def __repr__(self, level = 0, indent = ' '): reply = indent*level + self.print_params(include_locked=True, include_prof=False, include_id=True) if self.leaf or isinstance(self._value, Parameter_Node): return reply reply += "\n".join(node.__repr__(level = level+1, indent=indent) for node in self.nodes.values()) return reply