import numpy
from import fits
from ..image import Target_Image
from ..models import AstroPhot_Model
from import LM
__all__ = ["galfit_config"]
galfit_object_type_map = {
"sersic": "sersic galaxy model",
"sky": "flat sky model",
galfit_parameter_map = {
"sersic galaxy model": {
"1": ["centerpix", 2],
"3": ["totalmag", 1],
"4": ["Repix", 1],
"5": ["n", 1],
"9": ["q", 1],
"10": ["PAdeg", 1],
def space_split(l):
items = list(ls.strip() for ls in l.split(" "))
index = 0
while index < len(items):
if items[index] == "":
index += 1
return items
def galfit_config(config_file):
if True:
raise NotImplementedError(
"galfit configuration file interface under construction"
with open(config_file, "r") as f:
config_lines = f.readlines()
# Header info
headerinfo = {}
for line in config_lines:
# remove comment from line and strip whitespace
comment = line.find("#")
if comment >= 0:
line = line[:comment].strip()
if line == "":
if line.startswith("A)"):
headerinfo["target_file"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("B)"):
headerinfo["saveto_model"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("C)"):
headerinfo["varaince_file"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("D)"):
headerinfo["psf_file"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("E)"):
headerinfo["psf_upample"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("F)"):
headerinfo["mask_file"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("G)"):
headerinfo["constraints_file"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("H)"):
headerinfo["fit_window"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("I)"):
headerinfo["convolution_window"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("J)"):
headerinfo["target_zeropoint"] = line[2:].strip()
if line.startswith("K)"):
headerinfo["target_pixelscale"] = line[2:].strip()
# Object info
objects = []
in_object = False
for line in config_lines:
# remove comment from line and strip whitespace
comment = line.find("#")
if comment >= 0:
linem = line[:comment].strip()
if linem == "":
# New model added to the fit
if linem.startswith("0)"):
objects.append({"model_type": galfit_object_type_map[linem[2:].strip()]})
in_object = True
# Model finished adding
if linem.startswith("Z)"):
in_object = False
# Collect the parameters
if in_object:
param = linem[: linem.find(")")]
] = space_split(linem[linem.find(")") + 1 :])
if len(
) != (2 * galfit_parameter_map[objects[-1]["model_type"]][param][1]):
raise ValueError(
f"Incorrectly formatted line in GALFIT config file:\n{line}"
# Format parameters
for i in range(len(objects)):
astrophot_object = {
"model_type": objects[i]["model_type"],
# common params
if "centerpix" in objects[i]:
astrophot_object["center"] = {
"value": [
float(objects[i]["centerpix"][0]) * headerinfo["target_pixelscale"],
float(objects[i]["centerpix"][1]) * headerinfo["target_pixelscale"],
"locked": bool(objects[i]["centerpix"][2]),
if "Repix" in objects[i]:
astrophot_object["Re"] = {
"value": float(objects[i]["Repix"][0])
* headerinfo["target_pixelscale"],
"locked": bool(objects[i]["Repix"][1]),
if "q" in objects[i]:
astrophot_object["q"] = {
"value": float(objects[i]["q"][0]),
"locked": bool(objects[i]["q"][1]),
if "PAdeg" in objects[i]:
astrophot_object["PA"] = {
"value": float(objects[i]["PAdeg"][0]) * np.pi / 180,
"locked": bool(objects[i]["PAdeg"][1]),