from typing import Iterable
def to_hdf5_has_None(l):
for i in range(len(l)):
if hasattr(l[i], "__iter__") and not isinstance(l[i], str):
l[i] = to_hdf5_has_None(l[i])
elif l[i] is None:
return True
return False
def dict_to_hdf5(h, D):
for key in D:
if isinstance(D[key], dict):
n = h.create_group(key)
dict_to_hdf5(n, D[key])
if hasattr(D[key], "__iter__") and not isinstance(D[key], str):
if to_hdf5_has_None(D[key]):
h[key] = str(D[key])
h.create_dataset(key, data=D[key])
elif D[key] is not None:
h[key] = D[key]
h[key] = "None"
def hdf5_to_dict(h):
import h5py
D = {}
for key in h.keys():
if isinstance(h[key], h5py.Group):
D[key] = hdf5_to_dict(h[key])
elif isinstance(h[key], str) and "None" in h[key]:
D[key] = eval(h[key])
D[key] = h[key]
return D