Source code for astrophot.utils.initialize.initialize

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import iqr
from scipy.fftpack import fft

from ..isophote.extract import _iso_extract

[docs] def isophotes( image, center, threshold=None, pa=None, q=None, R=None, n_isophotes=3, more=False ): """Method for quickly extracting a small number of elliptical isophotes for the sake of initializing other models. """ if pa is None: pa = 0.0 if q is None: q = 1.0 if R is None: # Determine basic threshold if none given if threshold is None: threshold = np.nanmedian(image) + 3 * iqr(image[np.isfinite(image)], rng=(16, 84)) / 2 # Sample growing isophotes until threshold is reached ellipse_radii = [1.0] while ellipse_radii[-1] < (max(image.shape) / 2): ellipse_radii.append(ellipse_radii[-1] * (1 + 0.2)) isovals = _iso_extract( image, ellipse_radii[-1], { "q": q if isinstance(q, float) else np.max(q), "pa": pa if isinstance(pa, float) else np.min(pa), }, {"x": center[0], "y": center[1]}, more=False, sigmaclip=True, sclip_nsigma=3, ) if len(isovals) < 3: continue # Stop when at 3 time background noise if (np.quantile(isovals, 0.8) < threshold) and len(ellipse_radii) > 4: break R = ellipse_radii[-1] # Determine which radii to sample based on input R, pa, and q if isinstance(pa, float) and isinstance(q, float) and isinstance(R, float): if n_isophotes == 1: isophote_radii = [R] else: isophote_radii = np.linspace(0, R, n_isophotes) elif hasattr(R, "__len__"): isophote_radii = R elif hasattr(pa, "__len__"): isophote_radii = np.ones(len(pa)) * R elif hasattr(q, "__len__"): isophote_radii = np.ones(len(q)) * R # Sample the requested isophotes and record desired info iso_info = [] for i, r in enumerate(isophote_radii): iso_info.append({"R": r}) isovals = _iso_extract( image, r, { "q": q if isinstance(q, float) else q[i], "pa": pa if isinstance(pa, float) else pa[i], }, {"x": center[0], "y": center[1]}, more=more, sigmaclip=True, sclip_nsigma=3, interp_mask=True, ) if more: angles = isovals[1] isovals = isovals[0] if len(isovals) < 3: iso_info[-1] = None continue coefs = fft(isovals) iso_info[-1]["phase1"] = np.angle(coefs[1]) iso_info[-1]["phase2"] = np.angle(coefs[2]) iso_info[-1]["flux"] = np.median(isovals) iso_info[-1]["noise"] = iqr(isovals, rng=(16, 84)) / 2 iso_info[-1]["amplitude1"] = np.abs(coefs[1]) / ( len(isovals) * (max(0, iso_info[-1]["flux"]) + iso_info[-1]["noise"]) ) iso_info[-1]["amplitude2"] = np.abs(coefs[2]) / ( len(isovals) * (max(0, iso_info[-1]["flux"]) + iso_info[-1]["noise"]) ) iso_info[-1]["N"] = len(isovals) if more: iso_info[-1]["isovals"] = isovals iso_info[-1]["angles"] = angles # recover lost isophotes just to keep code moving for i in reversed(range(len(iso_info))): if iso_info[i] is not None: good_index = i break else: raise ValueError( "Unable to recover any isophotes, try on a better band or manually provide values" ) for i in range(len(iso_info)): if iso_info[i] is None: iso_info[i] = iso_info[good_index] iso_info[i]["R"] = isophote_radii[i] return iso_info