Source code for astrophot.utils.interpolate

from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft
from torch.nn.functional import conv2d

from .operations import fft_convolve_torch

def _h_poly(t):
    """Helper function to compute the 'h' polynomial matrix used in the
    cubic spline.

        t (Tensor): A 1D tensor representing the normalized x values.

        Tensor: A 2D tensor of size (4, len(t)) representing the 'h' polynomial matrix.


    tt = t[None, :] ** (torch.arange(4, device=t.device)[:, None])
    A = torch.tensor(
        [[1, 0, -3, 2], [0, 1, -2, 1], [0, 0, 3, -2], [0, 0, -1, 1]],
    return A @ tt

[docs] def cubic_spline_torch( x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, xs: torch.Tensor, extend: str = "const" ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the 1D cubic spline interpolation for the given data points using PyTorch. Args: x (Tensor): A 1D tensor representing the x-coordinates of the known data points. y (Tensor): A 1D tensor representing the y-coordinates of the known data points. xs (Tensor): A 1D tensor representing the x-coordinates of the positions where the cubic spline function should be evaluated. extend (str, optional): The method for handling extrapolation, either "const" or "linear". Default is "const". "const": Use the value of the last known data point for extrapolation. "linear": Use linear extrapolation based on the last two known data points. Returns: Tensor: A 1D tensor representing the interpolated values at the specified positions (xs). """ m = (y[1:] - y[:-1]) / (x[1:] - x[:-1]) m =[m[[0]], (m[1:] + m[:-1]) / 2, m[[-1]]]) idxs = torch.searchsorted(x[:-1], xs) - 1 dx = x[idxs + 1] - x[idxs] hh = _h_poly((xs - x[idxs]) / dx) ret = ( hh[0] * y[idxs] + hh[1] * m[idxs] * dx + hh[2] * y[idxs + 1] + hh[3] * m[idxs + 1] * dx ) if extend == "const": ret[xs > x[-1]] = y[-1] elif extend == "linear": indices = xs > x[-1] ret[indices] = y[-1] + (xs[indices] - x[-1]) * (y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2]) return ret
[docs] def interpolate_bicubic(img, X, Y): """ wrapper for scipy bivariate spline interpolation """ f_interp = RectBivariateSpline( np.arange(dat.shape[0], dtype=np.float32), np.arange(dat.shape[1], dtype=np.float32), dat, ) return f_interp(Y, X, grid=False)
[docs] def Lanczos_kernel_np(dx, dy, scale): """convolution kernel for shifting all pixels in a grid by some sub-pixel length. """ xx = np.arange(-scale, scale + 1) - dx if dx < 0: xx *= -1 Lx = np.sinc(xx) * np.sinc(xx / scale) if dx > 0: Lx[0] = 0 else: Lx[-1] = 0 yy = np.arange(-scale, scale + 1) - dy if dy < 0: yy *= -1 Ly = np.sinc(yy) * np.sinc(yy / scale) if dx > 0: Ly[0] = 0 else: Ly[-1] = 0 LXX, LYY = np.meshgrid(Lx, Ly, indexing="xy") LL = LXX * LYY w = np.sum(LL) LL /= w # plt.imshow(LL.detach().numpy(), origin = "lower") # return LL
[docs] def Lanczos_kernel(dx, dy, scale): """Kernel function for Lanczos interpolation, defines the interpolation behavior between pixels. """ xx = np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) + dx yy = np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) + dy Lx = np.sinc(xx) * np.sinc(xx / scale) Ly = np.sinc(yy) * np.sinc(yy / scale) LXX, LYY = np.meshgrid(Lx, Ly) LL = LXX * LYY w = np.sum(LL) LL /= w return LL
[docs] def point_Lanczos(I, X, Y, scale): """ Apply Lanczos interpolation to evaluate a single point. """ ranges = [ [int(np.floor(X) - scale + 1), int(np.floor(X) + scale + 1)], [int(np.floor(Y) - scale + 1), int(np.floor(Y) + scale + 1)], ] LL = Lanczos_kernel(np.floor(X) - X, np.floor(Y) - Y, scale) LL = LL[ max(0, -ranges[1][0]) : LL.shape[0] + min(0, I.shape[0] - ranges[1][1]), max(0, -ranges[0][0]) : LL.shape[1] + min(0, I.shape[1] - ranges[0][1]), ] F = I[ max(0, ranges[1][0]) : min(I.shape[0], ranges[1][1]), max(0, ranges[0][0]) : min(I.shape[1], ranges[0][1]), ] return np.sum(F * LL)
def _shift_Lanczos_kernel_torch(dx, dy, scale, dtype, device): """convolution kernel for shifting all pixels in a grid by some sub-pixel length. """ xsign = 1 - 2 * (dx < 0).to( dtype=torch.int32 ) # flips the kernel if the shift is negative xx = xsign * ( torch.arange(int(-scale), int(scale + 1), dtype=dtype, device=device) - dx ) Lx = torch.sinc(xx) * torch.sinc(xx / scale) ysign = 1 - 2 * (dy < 0).to(dtype=torch.int32) yy = ysign * ( torch.arange(int(-scale), int(scale + 1), dtype=dtype, device=device) - dy ) Ly = torch.sinc(yy) * torch.sinc(yy / scale) LXX, LYY = torch.meshgrid(Lx, Ly, indexing="xy") LL = LXX * LYY w = torch.sum(LL) # plt.imshow(LL.detach().numpy(), origin = "lower") # return LL / w
[docs] def shift_Lanczos_torch(I, dx, dy, scale, dtype, device, img_prepadded=True): """Apply Lanczos interpolation to shift by less than a pixel in x and y. """ LL = _shift_Lanczos_kernel_torch(dx, dy, scale, dtype, device) ret = fft_convolve_torch(I, LL, img_prepadded=img_prepadded) return ret
[docs] def shift_Lanczos_np(I, dx, dy, scale): """Apply Lanczos interpolation to shift by less than a pixel in x and y. I: the image dx: amount by which the grid will be moved in the x-axis (the "data" is fixed and the grid moves). Should be a value from (-0.5,0.5) dy: amount by which the grid will be moved in the y-axis (the "data" is fixed and the grid moves). Should be a value from (-0.5,0.5) scale: dictates size of the Lanczos kernel. Full kernel size is 2*scale+1 """ LL = Lanczos_kernel_np(dx, dy, scale) return convolve_fft(I, LL, boundary="fill")
[docs] def interpolate_Lanczos_grid(img, X, Y, scale): """ Perform Lanczos interpolation at a grid of points. """ sinc_X = list( np.sinc(np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - X[i] + np.floor(X[i])) * np.sinc((np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - X[i] + np.floor(X[i])) / scale) for i in range(len(X)) ) sinc_Y = list( np.sinc(np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - Y[i] + np.floor(Y[i])) * np.sinc((np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - Y[i] + np.floor(Y[i])) / scale) for i in range(len(Y)) ) # Extract an image which has the required dimensions use_img = np.take( np.take( img, np.arange(int(np.floor(Y[0]) - step + 1), int(np.floor(Y[-1]) + step + 1)), 0, mode="clip", ), np.arange(int(np.floor(X[0]) - step + 1), int(np.floor(X[-1]) + step + 1)), 1, mode="clip", ) # Create a sliding window view of the image with the dimensions of the lanczos scale grid # window = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(use_img, (2*scale, 2*scale)) # fixme going to need some broadcasting magic XX = np.ones((2 * scale, 2 * scale)) res = np.zeros((len(Y), len(X))) for x, lowx, highx in zip( range(len(X)), np.floor(X) - step + 1, np.floor(X) + step + 1 ): for y, lowy, highy in zip( range(len(Y)), np.floor(Y) - step + 1, np.floor(Y) + step + 1 ): L = XX * sinc_X[x] * sinc_Y[y].reshape((sinc_Y[y].size, -1)) res[y, x] = np.sum(use_img[lowy:highy, lowx:highx] * L) / np.sum(L) return res
[docs] def interpolate_Lanczos(img, X, Y, scale): """ Perform Lanczos interpolation on an image at a series of specified points. """ flux = [] for i in range(len(X)): box = [ [ max(0, int(round(np.floor(X[i]) - scale + 1))), min(img.shape[1], int(round(np.floor(X[i]) + scale + 1))), ], [ max(0, int(round(np.floor(Y[i]) - scale + 1))), min(img.shape[0], int(round(np.floor(Y[i]) + scale + 1))), ], ] chunk = img[box[1][0] : box[1][1], box[0][0] : box[0][1]] XX = np.ones(chunk.shape) Lx = ( np.sinc(np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - X[i] + np.floor(X[i])) * np.sinc( (np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - X[i] + np.floor(X[i])) / scale ) )[ box[0][0] - int(round(np.floor(X[i]) - scale + 1)) : 2 * scale + box[0][1] - int(round(np.floor(X[i]) + scale + 1)) ] Ly = ( np.sinc(np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - Y[i] + np.floor(Y[i])) * np.sinc( (np.arange(-scale + 1, scale + 1) - Y[i] + np.floor(Y[i])) / scale ) )[ box[1][0] - int(round(np.floor(Y[i]) - scale + 1)) : 2 * scale + box[1][1] - int(round(np.floor(Y[i]) + scale + 1)) ] L = XX * Lx * Ly.reshape((Ly.size, -1)) w = np.sum(L) flux.append(np.sum(chunk * L) / w) return np.array(flux)
[docs] def interp1d_torch(x_in, y_in, x_out): indices = torch.searchsorted(x_in[:-1], x_out) - 1 weights = (y_in[1:] - y_in[:-1]) / (x_in[1:] - x_in[:-1]) return y_in[indices] + weights[indices] * (x_out - x_in[indices])
[docs] def interp2d( im: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Interpolates a 2D image at specified coordinates. Similar to `torch.nn.functional.grid_sample` with `align_corners=False`. Args: im (Tensor): A 2D tensor representing the image. x (Tensor): A tensor of x coordinates (in pixel space) at which to interpolate. y (Tensor): A tensor of y coordinates (in pixel space) at which to interpolate. Returns: Tensor: Tensor with the same shape as `x` and `y` containing the interpolated values. """ # Convert coordinates to pixel indices h, w = im.shape # reshape for indexing purposes start_shape = x.shape x = x.view(-1) y = y.view(-1) x0 = x.floor().long() y0 = y.floor().long() x1 = x0 + 1 y1 = y0 + 1 x0 = x0.clamp(0, w - 2) x1 = x1.clamp(1, w - 1) y0 = y0.clamp(0, h - 2) y1 = y1.clamp(1, h - 1) fa = im[y0, x0] fb = im[y1, x0] fc = im[y0, x1] fd = im[y1, x1] wa = (x1 - x) * (y1 - y) wb = (x1 - x) * (y - y0) wc = (x - x0) * (y1 - y) wd = (x - x0) * (y - y0) result = fa * wa + fb * wb + fc * wc + fd * wd return result.view(*start_shape)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=32) def curvature_kernel(dtype, device): kernel = ( torch.tensor( [ [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -4, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], ], # [[1., -2.0, 1.], [-2.0, 4, -2.0], [1.0, -2.0, 1.0]], device=device, dtype=dtype, ) ) return kernel
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=32) def simpsons_kernel(dtype, device): kernel = torch.ones(1, 1, 3, 3, dtype=dtype, device=device) kernel[0, 0, 1, 1] = 16.0 kernel[0, 0, 1, 0] = 4.0 kernel[0, 0, 0, 1] = 4.0 kernel[0, 0, 1, 2] = 4.0 kernel[0, 0, 2, 1] = 4.0 kernel = kernel / 36.0 return kernel