Source code for astrophot.utils.isophote.extract

import numpy as np
import logging
from scipy.stats import iqr

from .ellipse import parametric_SuperEllipse, Rscale_SuperEllipse
from ..conversions.coordinates import Rotate_Cartesian_np
from ..interpolate import interpolate_Lanczos

[docs] def Sigma_Clip_Upper(v, iterations=10, nsigma=5): """ Perform sigma clipping on the "v" array. Each iteration involves computing the median and 16-84 range, these are used to clip beyond "nsigma" number of sigma above the median. This is repeated for "iterations" number of iterations, or until convergence if None. """ v2 = np.sort(v) i = 0 old_lim = 0 lim = np.inf while i < iterations and old_lim != lim: med = np.median(v2[v2 < lim]) rng = iqr(v2[v2 < lim], rng=[16, 84]) / 2 old_lim = lim lim = med + rng * nsigma i += 1 return lim
def _iso_between( IMG, sma_low, sma_high, PARAMS, c, more=False, mask=None, sigmaclip=False, sclip_iterations=10, sclip_nsigma=5, ): if not "m" in PARAMS: PARAMS["m"] = None if not "C" in PARAMS: PARAMS["C"] = None Rlim = sma_high * ( 1.0 if PARAMS["m"] is None else np.exp(sum(np.abs(PARAMS["Am"][m]) for m in range(len(PARAMS["m"])))) ) ranges = [ [max(0, int(c["x"] - Rlim - 2)), min(IMG.shape[1], int(c["x"] + Rlim + 2))], [max(0, int(c["y"] - Rlim - 2)), min(IMG.shape[0], int(c["y"] + Rlim + 2))], ] XX, YY = np.meshgrid( np.arange(ranges[0][1] - ranges[0][0], dtype=float) - c["x"] + float(ranges[0][0]), np.arange(ranges[1][1] - ranges[1][0], dtype=float) - c["y"] + float(ranges[1][0]), ) theta = np.arctan(YY / XX) + np.pi * (XX < 0) RR = np.sqrt(XX ** 2 + YY ** 2) Fmode_Rscale = ( 1.0 if PARAMS["m"] is None else Rscale_Fmodes( theta - PARAMS["pa"], PARAMS["m"], PARAMS["Am"], PARAMS["Phim"] ) ) SuperEllipse_Rscale = Rscale_SuperEllipse( theta - PARAMS["pa"], PARAMS["ellip"], 2 if PARAMS["C"] is None else PARAMS["C"] ) RR /= SuperEllipse_Rscale * Fmode_Rscale rselect = np.logical_and(RR < sma_high, RR > sma_low) fluxes = IMG[ranges[1][0] : ranges[1][1], ranges[0][0] : ranges[0][1]][rselect] CHOOSE = None if not mask is None and sma_high > 5: CHOOSE = np.logical_not( mask[ranges[1][0] : ranges[1][1], ranges[0][0] : ranges[0][1]][rselect] ) # Perform sigma clipping if requested if sigmaclip: sclim = Sigma_Clip_Upper(fluxes, sclip_iterations, sclip_nsigma) if CHOOSE is None: CHOOSE = fluxes < sclim else: CHOOSE = np.logical_or(CHOOSE, fluxes < sclim) if CHOOSE is not None and np.sum(CHOOSE) < 5: logging.warning( "Entire Isophote is Masked! R_l: %.3f, R_h: %.3f, PA: %.3f, ellip: %.3f" % (sma_low, sma_high, PARAMS["pa"] * 180 / np.pi, PARAMS["ellip"]) ) CHOOSE = np.ones(CHOOSE.shape).astype(bool) if CHOOSE is not None: countmasked = np.sum(np.logical_not(CHOOSE)) else: countmasked = 0 if more: if CHOOSE is not None and sma_high > 5: return fluxes[CHOOSE], theta[rselect][CHOOSE], countmasked else: return fluxes, theta[rselect], countmasked else: if CHOOSE is not None and sma_high > 5: return fluxes[CHOOSE] else: return fluxes def _iso_extract( IMG, sma, PARAMS, c, more=False, minN=None, mask=None, interp_mask=False, rad_interp=30, interp_method="lanczos", interp_window=5, sigmaclip=False, sclip_iterations=10, sclip_nsigma=5, ): """ Internal, basic function for extracting the pixel fluxes along an isophote """ if not "m" in PARAMS: PARAMS["m"] = None if not "C" in PARAMS: PARAMS["C"] = None N = max(15, int(0.9 * 2 * np.pi * sma)) if not minN is None: N = max(minN, N) # points along ellipse to evaluate theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi * (1.0 - 1.0 / N), N) theta = np.arctan(PARAMS["q"] * np.tan(theta)) + np.pi * (np.cos(theta) < 0) Fmode_Rscale = ( 1.0 if PARAMS["m"] is None else Rscale_Fmodes(theta, PARAMS["m"], PARAMS["Am"], PARAMS["Phim"]) ) R = sma * Fmode_Rscale # Define ellipse X, Y = parametric_SuperEllipse( theta, 1.0 - PARAMS["q"], 2 if PARAMS["C"] is None else PARAMS["C"] ) X, Y = R * X, R * Y # rotate ellipse by PA X, Y = Rotate_Cartesian_np(PARAMS["pa"], X, Y) theta = (theta + PARAMS["pa"]) % (2 * np.pi) # shift center X, Y = X + c["x"], Y + c["y"] # Reject samples from outside the image BORDER = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(X >= 0, X < (IMG.shape[1] - 1)), np.logical_and(Y >= 0, Y < (IMG.shape[0] - 1)), ) if not np.all(BORDER): X = X[BORDER] Y = Y[BORDER] theta = theta[BORDER] Rlim = np.max(R) if Rlim < rad_interp: box = [ [max(0, int(c["x"] - Rlim - 5)), min(IMG.shape[1], int(c["x"] + Rlim + 5))], [max(0, int(c["y"] - Rlim - 5)), min(IMG.shape[0], int(c["y"] + Rlim + 5))], ] if interp_method == "bicubic": flux = interpolate_bicubic( IMG[box[1][0] : box[1][1], box[0][0] : box[0][1]], X - box[0][0], Y - box[1][0], ) elif interp_method == "lanczos": flux = interpolate_Lanczos(IMG, X, Y, interp_window) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown interpolate method %s. Should be one of lanczos or bicubic" % interp_method ) else: # round to integers and sample pixels values flux = IMG[np.rint(Y).astype(np.int32), np.rint(X).astype(np.int32)] # CHOOSE holds bolean array for which flux values to keep, initialized as None for no clipping CHOOSE = None # Mask pixels if a mask is given if not mask is None: CHOOSE = np.logical_not( mask[np.rint(Y).astype(np.int32), np.rint(X).astype(np.int32)] ) # Perform sigma clipping if requested if sigmaclip and len(flux) > 30: sclim = Sigma_Clip_Upper(flux, sclip_iterations, sclip_nsigma) if CHOOSE is None: CHOOSE = flux < sclim else: CHOOSE = np.logical_or(CHOOSE, flux < sclim) # Dont clip pixels if that removes all of the pixels countmasked = 0 if not CHOOSE is None and np.sum(CHOOSE) <= 0: logging.warning( "Entire Isophote was Masked! R: %.3f, PA: %.3f, q: %.3f" % (sma, PARAMS["pa"] * 180 / np.pi, PARAMS["q"]) ) # Interpolate clipped flux values if requested elif not CHOOSE is None and interp_mask: flux[np.logical_not(CHOOSE)] = np.interp( theta[np.logical_not(CHOOSE)], theta[CHOOSE], flux[CHOOSE], period=2 * np.pi ) # simply remove all clipped pixels if user doesn't reqest another option elif not CHOOSE is None: flux = flux[CHOOSE] theta = theta[CHOOSE] countmasked = np.sum(np.logical_not(CHOOSE)) # Return just the flux values, or flux and angle values if more: return flux, theta, countmasked else: return flux def _iso_line(IMG, length, width, pa, c, more=False): start = np.array([c["x"], c["y"]]) end = start + length * np.array([np.cos(pa), np.sin(pa)]) ranges = [ [ max(0, int(min(start[0], end[0]) - 2)), min(IMG.shape[1], int(max(start[0], end[0]) + 2)), ], [ max(0, int(min(start[1], end[1]) - 2)), min(IMG.shape[0], int(max(start[1], end[1]) + 2)), ], ] XX, YY = np.meshgrid( np.arange(ranges[0][1] - ranges[0][0], dtype=float), np.arange(ranges[1][1] - ranges[1][0], dtype=float), ) XX -= c["x"] - float(ranges[0][0]) YY -= c["y"] - float(ranges[1][0]) XX, YY = (XX * np.cos(-pa) - YY * np.sin(-pa), XX * np.sin(-pa) + YY * np.cos(-pa)) lselect = np.logical_and.reduce( (XX >= -0.5, XX <= length, np.abs(YY) <= (width / 2)) ) flux = IMG[ranges[1][0] : ranges[1][1], ranges[0][0] : ranges[0][1]][lselect] if more: return flux, XX[lselect], YY[lselect] else: return flux, XX[lselect]