Source code for astrophot.utils.isophote.integrate

import numpy as np

[docs] def fluxdens_to_fluxsum(R, I, axisratio): """ Integrate a flux density profile R: semi-major axis length (arcsec) I: flux density (flux/arcsec^2) axisratio: b/a profile """ S = np.zeros(len(R)) S[0] = I[0] * np.pi * axisratio[0] * (R[0] ** 2) for i in range(1, len(R)): S[i] = ( trapz(2 * np.pi * I[: i + 1] * R[: i + 1] * axisratio[: i + 1], R[: i + 1]) + S[0] ) return S
[docs] def fluxdens_to_fluxsum_errorprop( R, I, IE, axisratio, axisratioE=None, N=100, symmetric_error=True ): """ Integrate a flux density profile R: semi-major axis length (arcsec) I: flux density (flux/arcsec^2) axisratio: b/a profile """ if axisratioE is None: axisratioE = np.zeros(len(R)) # Create container for the monte-carlo iterations sum_results = np.zeros((N, len(R))) - 99.999 I_CHOOSE = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(I), I > 0) if np.sum(I_CHOOSE) < 5: return (None, None) if symmetric_error else (None, None, None) sum_results[0][I_CHOOSE] = fluxdens_to_fluxsum( R[I_CHOOSE], I[I_CHOOSE], axisratio[I_CHOOSE] ) for i in range(1, N): # Randomly sampled SB profile tempI = np.random.normal(loc=I, scale=np.abs(IE)) # Randomly sampled axis ratio profile tempq = np.clip( np.random.normal(loc=axisratio, scale=np.abs(axisratioE)), a_min=1e-3, a_max=1 - 1e-3, ) # Compute COG with sampled data sum_results[i][I_CHOOSE] = fluxdens_to_fluxsum( R[I_CHOOSE], tempI[I_CHOOSE], tempq[I_CHOOSE] ) # Condense monte-carlo evaluations into profile and uncertainty envelope sum_lower = sum_results[0] - np.quantile(sum_results, 0.317310507863 / 2, axis=0) sum_upper = ( np.quantile(sum_results, 1.0 - 0.317310507863 / 2, axis=0) - sum_results[0] ) # Return requested uncertainty format if symmetric_error: return sum_results[0], np.abs(sum_lower + sum_upper) / 2 else: return sum_results[0], sum_lower, sum_upper
def _Fmode_integrand(t, parameters): fsum = sum( parameters["Am"][m] * np.cos(parameters["m"][m] * (t + parameters["Phim"][m])) for m in range(len(parameters["m"])) ) dfsum = sum( parameters["m"][m] * parameters["Am"][m] * np.sin(parameters["m"][m] * (t + parameters["Phim"][m])) for m in range(len(parameters["m"])) ) return (np.sin(t) ** 2) * np.exp(2 * fsum) + np.sin(t) * np.cos(t) * np.exp( fsum ) * dfsum
[docs] def Fmode_Areas(R, parameters): A = [] for i in range(len(R)): A.append( (R[i] ** 2) * quad(_Fmode_integrand, 0, 2 * np.pi, args=(parameters[i],))[0] ) return np.array(A)
[docs] def Fmode_fluxdens_to_fluxsum(R, I, parameters, A=None): """ Integrate a flux density profile, with isophotes including Fourier perturbations. Arguments --------- R: arcsec semi-major axis length I: flux/arcsec^2 flux density parameters: list of dictionaries list of dictionary of isophote shape parameters for each radius. formatted as .. code-block:: python {'ellip': ellipticity, 'm': list of modes used, 'Am': list of mode powers, 'Phim': list of mode phases } entries for each radius. """ if all(parameters[p]["m"] is None for p in range(len(parameters))): return fluxdens_to_fluxsum( R, I, 1.0 - np.array(list(parameters[p]["ellip"] for p in range(len(parameters)))), ) S = np.zeros(len(R)) if A is None: A = Fmode_Areas(R, parameters) # update the Area calculation to be scaled by the ellipticity Aq = A * np.array(list((1 - parameters[i]["ellip"]) for i in range(len(R)))) S[0] = I[0] * Aq[0] Adiff = np.array([Aq[0]] + list(Aq[1:] - Aq[:-1])) for i in range(1, len(R)): S[i] = trapz(I[: i + 1] * Adiff[: i + 1], R[: i + 1]) + S[0] return S
[docs] def Fmode_fluxdens_to_fluxsum_errorprop( R, I, IE, parameters, N=100, symmetric_error=True ): """ Integrate a flux density profile, with isophotes including Fourier perturbations. Arguments --------- R: arcsec semi-major axis length I: flux/arcsec^2 flux density parameters: list of dictionaries list of dictionary of isophote shape parameters for each radius. formatted as .. code-block:: python {'ellip': ellipticity, 'm': list of modes used, 'Am': list of mode powers, 'Phim': list of mode phases } entries for each radius. """ for i in range(len(R)): if not "ellip err" in parameters[i]: parameters[i]["ellip err"] = np.zeros(len(R)) if all(parameters[p]["m"] is None for p in range(len(parameters))): return fluxdens_to_fluxsum_errorprop( R, I, IE, 1.0 - np.array(list(parameters[p]["ellip"] for p in range(len(parameters)))), np.array(list(parameters[p]["ellip err"] for p in range(len(parameters)))), N=N, symmetric_error=symmetric_error, ) # Create container for the monte-carlo iterations sum_results = np.zeros((N, len(R))) - 99.999 I_CHOOSE = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(I), I > 0) if np.sum(I_CHOOSE) < 5: return (None, None) if symmetric_error else (None, None, None) cut_parameters = list(compress(parameters, I_CHOOSE)) A = Fmode_Areas(R[I_CHOOSE], cut_parameters) sum_results[0][I_CHOOSE] = Fmode_fluxdens_to_fluxsum( R[I_CHOOSE], I[I_CHOOSE], cut_parameters, A ) for i in range(1, N): # Randomly sampled SB profile tempI = np.random.normal(loc=I, scale=np.abs(IE)) # Randomly sampled axis ratio profile temp_parameters = deepcopy(cut_parameters) for p in range(len(cut_parameters)): temp_parameters[p]["ellip"] = np.clip( np.random.normal( loc=cut_parameters[p]["ellip"], scale=np.abs(cut_parameters[p]["ellip err"]), ), a_min=1e-3, a_max=1 - 1e-3, ) # Compute COG with sampled data sum_results[i][I_CHOOSE] = Fmode_fluxdens_to_fluxsum( R[I_CHOOSE], tempI[I_CHOOSE], temp_parameters, A ) # Condense monte-carlo evaluations into profile and uncertainty envelope sum_lower = sum_results[0] - np.quantile(sum_results, 0.317310507863 / 2, axis=0) sum_upper = ( np.quantile(sum_results, 1.0 - 0.317310507863 / 2, axis=0) - sum_results[0] ) # Return requested uncertainty format if symmetric_error: return sum_results[0], np.abs(sum_lower + sum_upper) / 2 else: return sum_results[0], sum_lower, sum_upper